
I keep seeing dudes defend this shit on social media with variations on “even if it’s true, he was only seventeen - can any of us really say we led spotless lives as teenagers?” To which I reply: (a) yes, in fact, some of us kinda can, at least assuming by “spotless” one means “did not commit any crimes or ethical

I think the last Jez article said he was Israeli.

So, in the profile, she contrasts her experience with that Marie Claire cover with her next magazine cover shoot, where she had much more creative control - and good LORD what a difference her input (and all-around better photography and design) made:

It’s definitely not just you. Those two douchebags look disturbingly alike.

He’s already written a story in response, too!

Mandatory Chuck Tingle link:

Wow, you packed a remarkable amount of wrongness into that short comment.

“Stupid, racist asshole” isn’t a mental illness. Please don’t lump all mentally ill people in with these worthless pieces of shit.

Yes, she was. I’m not sure what’s surprising or confusing about that - it’s not especially hard for the average teenager to access alcohol, so I can’t imagine it’s at all difficult for a rich, famous teenager to do so. (And addiction isn’t exactly an uncommon problem among child stars and former child stars, to say

The Boss series by Jenny Trout (writing as Abigail Barnette) is kind of “50 Shades of Grey, if 50 Shades of Grey had been written by someone who isn’t a jackass, knows how to develop interesting characters and plots, understands BDSM, and therefore depicts filthy, kinky, entirely consensual sex acts between people who

Wow, that’s some impressively nonsensical whataboutism. Please explain how in the hell letting disabled people have straws they can use causes children in Africa to have to eat bugs, or why caring about equal access for disabled people somehow precludes caring about or helping children in Africa. People can and do

This would not be a great solution, since there are people with long-term disabilities who need to use straws, and charging them what amounts to a disability tax every time they buy a drink would be pretty awful. I’d be much more in favor of something like having paper straws available as well and making it standard

Biodegradable straws cannot be used for hot foods and beverages. Szymkowiak explains this in his post. It took two whole clicks to get there and read it. It depresses me that I have to keep posting this in the comments because a lot able-bodied people apparently feel a deep need to declare that they know what disabled

A rubber straw or a water bottle would not work for all people with disabilities, and pushing extra costs onto disabled people (even “small” costs add up, especially when you’re living on a very limited income, as many disabled people are) is a pretty crappy solution. Szymkowiak explains this in his post.

Speaking of “researching a bit,” maybe you should click through to Szymkowiak’s actual post and read it, because he explicitly explains why silicone straws aren’t a great solution. I know that’s a big ask - I mean, that would have taken you two whole mouse clicks! So much work! It’s clearly much easier to smugly

As far as I know, she didn’t succeed in killing anyone. She actually got a longer sentence for her arson attacks than guidelines suggested, presumably because the judge agreed that she’s a vile piece of shit who shouldn’t be allowed in society. (I’m still a bit confused on the timeline, though - she seems to be

If your political principles change based solely on “somebody on the internet hurt my feelings,” I find it hard to believe you had any real principles to begin with.

The vast majority of these people should have their pictures in the dictionary next to “Missed Opportunity.” There are about a million ways one could go that would fit the theme and be interesting, but so many people just phoned it the hell in with “uh, there’s some Catholic stuff that’s gold, right?” When you have

Speaking as a rape survivor, please don’t claim to be defending people like me while spouting slut-shaming garbage that boils down to “if you consented to one person seeing you naked, you consented to anyone and everyone seeing you naked.” That is the exact same bullshit logic that gets rape victims interrogated