
There is an argument for that approach when the person in question actually has a “viewpoint.” There’s some sense in letting, say, anti-choice advocates publicly explain why they do not support a woman’s right to choose so that pro-choice advocates can respond by publicly explaining why they should. That is at least

Yup. Just about the only thing that’s a bigger giveaway that the speaker paid no attention whatsoever in any science class they ever took is when someone worries or complains about a product because it “contains chemicals.”

As someone with fibro on top of a mess of other medical problems, I have occasionally wryly cursed my good scientific education, because if I could manage to believe that waving crystals around or inhaling magical incense or whatever could actually make the pain stop or even just diminish a little, I might at least

I feel like the whole “spirit animal” thing is played out (and was kinda weird and appropriative in the first place), but...I think I just found my spirit animal.

That was interesting.

I wish I were surprised by this information. As a seriously ill person who has seen a LOT of doctors, I’ve had good and bad ones of both genders, but without exception, all of the absolute worst ones have been men, and it has always been for some variant of the same reason: they were condescending dicks who didn’t

While I’m not a doctor and so this absolutely shouldn’t be taken as authoritative, I’m under the impression that that’s not quite true. It’s definitely significantly more difficult to cause postmortem bruising, but IIRC, sufficient force on an area of the body where blood has pooled can still cause the appearance of

Hey, now, there are plenty of 16- to 18-year-old female nerds who also talk too much about sci-fi and video games! I mean, at that age, I was a contact-lens-wearing nerd who liked sci-fi and video games (and musical theatre, and D&D, and other decidedly “uncool” things), and I definitely crushed pretty hard on some

Geez. My prom was boring and unpleasant and I wished I’d skipped paying for a stupid dress and just watched movies and eaten pizza in my pajamas with friends (which was, in fact, precisely what my after-prom “party” consisted of, and it was way more fun than prom), but even at my fairly conservative high school, I

Thank you for allowing me one brief burst of amusement in a deeply depressing time both personally and politically by causing me to picture Kim Kardashelob trapping Frodo and Sam and forcing them to watch her take a bunch of spider-selfies instead of passing through to Mordor.

Yup. I will take a hundred screaming babies over some of the adult passengers I’ve had the “pleasure” to share planes with. Babies cannot help being babies, but I’m pretty sure adults can help spending the whole flight hitting on women who clearly want to be left the fuck alone, throwing enormous tantrums about having

Yup. And that’s if the baggage people don’t break it, leave it on the tarmac, or give it away to another passenger because they didn’t bother to check which disabled person belonged to which wheelchair, all of which have happened to me. (It was not the other disabled person’s fault at all, to be clear; when I yelled

Here’s the thing: I am genuinely okay with not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good (or even just the vaguely tolerable) and with supporting Democrats who hold some shitty positions when the only alternative is Republicans with even shittier ones. I live in a red state; I’m used to voting for candidates who

I rarely wear mascara because I have SUPER sensitive eyes, but the one the seems to bother my eyes the least (without smudging/flaking/giving me stupid raccoon eyes) is W3ll People’s Expressionist mascara. It’s not especially dramatic - it’s definitely not a “mascara ad” mascara - but if you’re going for a more

Me too. My eyes just skipped right over the relevant bit, so I was trying to figure out what the hell was supposed to be clever about “SEASON PREMIERE MONDAY MAY 22.”

Other kids can also mess it up, unfortunately. For whatever reason, the girls in my troop were already SUPER cliqueish even as little kids, and so while I remember our leaders repeatedly attempting “let’s all do things TOGETHER because we are a troop TOGETHER” activities, every time they weren’t actively forcing us to

Rant away! I agree with all of it, especially your “AND”-filled last sentence. Yes, it’s more complicated to deal with all of those issues at once, but it’s also way the hell more helpful and intelligent than “OPIOIDS BAD. HULK SMASH OPIOIDS.” I will happily join any movement pushing for better preventative care and

You know, I would normally say “that’s clearly fake” (and hilarious), but I am living in a world where “White House Press Secretary Tries To Walk Back Praise of Hitler” was a real headline, so who even fucking knows anymore?

I can totally see him as Vimes! I think I’d want him to get a little bit older and less pretty first, since even at his youngest appearance in the series*, Vimes is a not-yet-recovered alcoholic who’s lived a pretty hard life, but a few years and some good makeup/wardrobe/etc. people could make that happen easily.

I’m sorry, this just isn’t true. There are chronic health conditions that do, in fact, require long-term pain management in the form of opioids, and throwing chronic pain patients who take their meds only as prescribed (and have doctors who prescribe them in safe and reasonable quantities) under the bus helps no one.