
Yeah, this is definitely a story that desperately needed a #notallmen comment, dude. God forbid anyone express their anger and disgust at the fact that far too many men see “I don’t get to own the woman of my choice” as a good reason for violence without pausing to offer a #notallmen disclaimer, because really,

I am currently in “fuck humanity, and especially fuck men” mode because I made the mistake of reading the comments on this news story on another site, which were absolutely full of “he should have just killed his ex instead of an innocent person” and “it’s obviously his ex’s fault for leaving him” and “his ex was

This was my first month of Play, and while I’m somewhere between “meh” and “okay, I HAD been wanting to try that primer, so I’m okay with this” on most of it, I was fairly grumpy about the eye makeup remover insofar as Sephora has given me that exact same eye makeup remover as a free sample three friggin’ times

Is the door glass? Because if so, the turkey is probably trying to fight his own reflection. Turkeys are very, very dumb.

Yeah, it’s bizarre. I’m several years older than him and seriously ill to boot (and was never exactly a looker to begin with), and yet I’m pretty sure I still look younger than him. And it’s not even like it’s just the receding hairline - I have friends in their late 40s with much less hair than he has who still

I love everything about this except for the implication that dogs can possibly be compared to Republicans. I’m pretty sure the vast majority of dogs are liberals, insofar as just about every dog I have ever met is a firm believer in equal rights for people of all races, genders, ages, classes, orientations,

Well, two things about that last line:

Eh, we can debate whether BooshaBay’s comment qualifies, since it’s on the milder end of the spectrum, but I can assure you I’ve heard way too many variants on “ha ha, all the seriously ill Trump supporters who need the ACA will die, that’s awesome, and sure, a lot of people who hate Trump’s guts will die too, but oh

Untrue! Shortening is a key ingredient in really good pie crusts. I promise if you ate one of my homemade pies you would happily be singing the praises of shortening. :)

I dunno. A family member got tapeworms from undercooked beef many years ago, and ever since then, it’s really, really hard for me to eat beef that’s not cooked at least medium-well, because my brain will not shut up about the possibility that I’m eating tapeworm eggs. Given the choice between being seen as

It’s pretty damn irrelevant, but man, I am now coveting the hell out of that royal purple dress with the three-quarter sleeves. 

As a non-hot woman, I fully endorse this message. Please, Dan and Benedict, consider the poor, sad, hot 21-year-olds again. We less hot 30-somethings with our horrific deformities like “a couple of gray hairs” or “boobs that are not totally perky” are bravely willing to sacrifice our potential access to your penises

Oh ye gods, yes. I have told friends and family members that unless they are telling me about an actual FDA-approved medical treatment performed or prescribed by actual MDs that I could plausibly not have heard of yet because it’s a brand-new thing, they are not allowed to offer me suggestions on how to manage my

I’m not at all suggesting that Democrats should work with Republicans (unless those Republicans undergo personality transplants and start proposing something sane, at least). I want them to fight back as hard as they possibly can. I’m suggesting that the “let’s stick it to Trump voters (and also quite a lot of

Or, you know, the ones where the victim can’t swim. I’m not sure what universe you live in, but as someone who very nearly drowned as a child without being in any way trapped, injured, or held under by another person, I can assure you it is eminently possible for people to drown without meeting any of your conditions,

This. I’ve said before in response to similar comments that I have no problem with someone stating, “As someone who would be directly impacted by this shitty thing Trump wants to do, I am willing to endure serious hardship or even death because I think it will somehow serve the greater good,” but I’m getting really

I had a “I’d kill myself if I were in your shoes” person just recently, and I was very pleased with myself for managing to come up with “Yeah, I know what you mean - that sorta orangey-pink color on the Nike swooshes really is awfully ugly, but they were the most comfortable sneakers the store had, so I manage to put

Oh, I dunno. I feel like the strangers who’ve followed me around in public trying to forcibly faith-heal me may have the Tackiest Possible Response to Meeting/Seeing a Disabled Person trophy locked down. “I’d kill myself if I were in your shoes!” comes in a pretty close second, though!

So, in my core group of 30-something friends, the youngest of us has a girlfriend who is a few years younger than he is. The two of them threw a party at their place a while back as a fairly deliberate attempt to merge their respective friend groups. It went well, except that when he was cooking one part of the meal,

Bingo. That was the moment where I outright gasped aloud. The whole statement is insane, but there is no interpretation of “Hitler wasn’t using the gas on his own people” that isn’t massively antisemitic (not to mention massively ableist, homophobic, racist in general, etc.).