
The thing is, the beauty standard isn’t really “women must wear makeup” so much as “women should look beautiful but also like they put absolutely no effort into looking beautiful.” So when a woman presents herself as having put no effort into making her face look a certain way while actually putting on makeup to make

Um, are you a time-traveler who just beamed into this comments section from 1950? Because the majority of American families don’t attend any form of religious services on a weekly basis, let alone specifically attending services which are held on Sunday mornings and which require a particular dress code that would

...are you my long-lost twin? Because I’m also disabled (although the thing that makes it harder for me to hold books these days is a combination of fibromyalgia and PsA - or at least PsA is my doctor’s current theory; RA and lupus are still in the mix as “maybes,” because my body apparently has to malfunction creative

I was thrilled the first time I got a car with an adjustable seatbelt - for about ten seconds, at which point I thought, “Wait, how the FUCK is this extremely basic thing not a legally mandated feature in every car?” A non-adjustable seatbelt would be as likely to break my neck as save my life, given that that’s about

For once, I’m actually entirely happy to see him blame someone else, because those someone-elses are up for reelection two years earlier than he is. So by all means, Donald, PLEASE tell the American public that Republicans in the House betrayed them and refused to improve their healthcare. Say it over and over. Go on

“The problem isn’t that progressives take offense at jokes, the problem is that they point out that under the offense, these guys just aren’t that funny.”

Yeah, I’m way too much of a nerd not to vote for all of the reading-related things, because my free time as a child was probably about 90% reading and 10% whining at my parents to take me to the library because I already finished all the library books I checked out three days ago and I’m

Thank you for adding this to the discussion. Speaking as another seriously disabled person, both points are important, and boil down to the same thing, just from two different directions: listen to disabled people. Don’t create our narratives for us. Don’t tell us we’re lucky to be alive, don’t tell us our lives

I wish I could star this multiple times. (Sadly, I’m pretty sure that even if I gave it a thousand stars, there would still be dudebros in the comments here whining about how no one is discouraging girls and women from entering the gaming industry and we’re all just big man-hating meanies.)

“They want to infer that he shouldn’t have won and he’s not their president.”

She’s a chicken, I tell you! A GIANT CHICKEN!

You know, I’m actually fine with the Bible being used as a text in history, literature, and religion courses - as long as it’s used as what it actually is, an interesting and influential historical document representing the beliefs, culture, and mythology of certain past and present civilizations, no different than

Indeed! It is also the one big upside to being a social outcast as a teenager - I pretty quickly figured out that if people were going to think I was an uncool nerd no matter what I did, I might as well just like the things I liked and give no fucks. I’ve only leaned harder into that as I’ve gotten older, because

Makes sense. I mean, we all know what causes autism, and I’m sure Julia has had a lot of needles stuck in her!

Oh, man, #1 on that list gives me all sorts of regret for what might have been. Galaxy Quest is delightful, but I really want to live in the alternate universe where Kevin Kline got Allen’s part. He might actually have been able to hold his own instead of being entirely overshadowed by the supporting cast.

I have no problem with someone who actually stands to suffer severely under the “blow it all up” strategy declaring that they are personally willing to endure that suffering for the benefit of future generations. I may not agree with them that that’s the right choice to make, but it is, at least, a choice they have

Yuuuup. It’s all very silly and rather obnoxious. Pretty much every OTC drug these days seems to be sold under about seventeen different names. The sheer number of supposedly different products containing the same few ingredients is kinda ridiculous. (In particular, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and diphenhydramine

Spicer is an idiot, obviously, but the real story for me in here is Paul Ryan “giving up fear for Lent,” which may be the most insufferably smug and supercilious thing I’ve ever heard (although it’s got plenty of competition from, well, basically everything else Paul Ryan has ever said or done). God, I want to punch

This. I am getting really tired of hearing privileged assholes talk about blowing up the whole system because they don’t depend on the ACA to stay alive, they don’t need Meals on Wheels in order to eat, they’re not desperately waiting for the NIH to find an Alzheimer’s or cancer treatment to help them or someone they

Kid for me, most definitely, because I was always a voracious reader who loved learning, and so DeVos could make school a miserable slog of idiocy, but she couldn’t stop me from picking up a lot of knowledge outside of school. And when I was a kid, I was pretty healthy (and was covered by my parents’ insurance), so