It really is, and it’s a great look for her. This may be the first photo I’ve ever seen of her where she actually looks like a gorgeous woman in her mid-20s instead of a very pretty 13-year-old.
It really is, and it’s a great look for her. This may be the first photo I’ve ever seen of her where she actually looks like a gorgeous woman in her mid-20s instead of a very pretty 13-year-old.
They put raspberries last? These are clearly insane people who need to be shunned for the good of society. Alternatively, they can give me all the Haribo raspberries they’re not eating.
I love those!
Yup. It’s amazing how short job interviews magically became once I started needing a wheelchair. Same qualifications, same experience, but I roll in instead of walk in (for desk jobs, to be clear, not anything where the ability to walk should matter in the slightest) and normal 45-minute interviews suddenly turn into…
Speaking as one of the “some folks” who’d stand a significant chance of dying, go fuck yourself. My life is not yours to sacrifice.
I mean, I may once have prevented a dude from attacking me by going in a womens’ restroom...because it was a single-person restroom with a door that locked. I’m very glad that I was able to go into that restroom and prevent him from following me inside, but I’m pretty goddamn sure that it was the lock and not the…
As someone who takes a prescription opioid regularly (and very much needs to - it’s the difference between “I hurt a great deal 24/7” and “I hurt so very much 24/7 that I can’t even get out of bed, I lose my job, I become homeless because I can’t afford rent, and I starve or freeze to death on the streets still in too…
As a fat bitch with a substantial rack and also health issues that make normal bras insanely painful, I am deeply grateful for the existence of plus size bralettes. I look like shit in them and can’t wear them with any shirt that’s at all tailored/fitted because my boobs will be about three inches lower than the shirt…
Workplace wellness programs are already pretty damn terrible and discriminatory. Your boss should really not be the arbiter of what you eat, how you exercise, how much weight you should lose, etc., and besides that being inherently intrusive and gross, letting them take on that role forces anyone with health…
The Bible is actually pretty damn clear on how we mere mortals are meant to treat people we deem to be sexually immoral:
Dude, I know that your whole shtick is saying stupid shit to get people riled up, but it seems like usually you stick to “stupid shit” rather than “really gross bigoted shit.” I’m a “seizure-haver” - or I would be if I weren’t on medication that does a pretty great job of preventing them, which presumably means I’m…
I think it’s really important to note that the criticisms of the male-Hillary largely boiled down to “he’s too effeminate.” Which is to say that the people in the room still saw a person behaving in ways that are coded as masculine and a person behaving in ways that are coded as feminine and perceived the feminine one…
I loved that image, and while I can’t buy the t-shirt today (both because I’m not buying things today and, probably more relevantly, because I’m completely broke), it’s totally going on my wishlist.
People are allowed to think someone is an asshole even if their assholish actions are legal.
Bratcher can cry me a freaking river with his “boo hoo hoo, going to a school 45 minutes away is so hard” nonsense.
I literally came here to make this exact comment.
Ha, traveling around the country creating LOTR festivals would be pretty great, but sadly, I suspect my boss wouldn’t go for that. More’s the pity, since it sounds way more fun than my actual job.
Thank you for making this point. I didn’t believe my anorexia was actually anorexia because I was already fairly thin when it started and was under no illusions that looking increasingly skeletal was an improvement. I didn’t want to look more attractive. I wanted to disappear. And because I thought what I was doing to…
I’m not sure whether you don’t know the meaning of the word “code” or the meaning of the word “era,” because the phrase “Obama-era” when applied to a bill is entirely straightforward, non-coded language for “signed into law by President Obama during his presidency.” It is a hell of a reach to claim that saying a bill…
We had lots of elves! Also a couple of Nazgul, an Ent, the tower of Barad-dur, Shelob, and a dead fish with a sign around her neck saying “I’m juicy-sweet!” (who, of course, promptly ended up being chased around the house by the person who’d attempted a Gollum costume while he yelled “I ONLY WISH TO CATCH A FISH”). My…