
I dunno, he apparently gives a great many fucks about the opinions of one college kid at a school with all of about 3000 students, most of whom wouldn’t even have read that particular article in the school newspaper if he hadn’t drawn attention to it. It seems that Lonergan cares a whole hell of a lot more than any

The fact that he who won a damn Oscar is why he should really have better things to do than throw tantrums at every college kid who dares to disagree with him. “ZOMG someone expressed an opinion I don’t like, how dare they, I should reply with a complete hissyfit about how they’re ignorant and stupid and need to shut

I suppose you could just declare that all of your guests are good kids who are therefore allowed to consume as much chocolate, gum, gobstoppers, snozzberry-flavored wallpaper, etc. as they want. Because yeah, a Wonka-themed party where you’re NOT supposed to eat yourself into a diabetic coma would be rather

Yup. I will never understand those people. I’d totally go to a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed party, because that sounds fun and silly, I like fun and silliness, and I don’t take myself so seriously that I’d refuse to do something enjoyable based on some weird idea that enjoying fun and silliness is a sign

I’m not sure what depresses me more: the fact that our current President gets his information from alt-right conspiracy theory websites, or the fact that our current President doesn’t know how to spell the word “tap.” Jesus fucking Christ, and we thought “potatoe” was bad...

If you think “millions more people have access to healthcare now” is a trivial accomplishment, I’m pretty sure you weren’t one of those millions. As someone who is, the ACA has very literally saved my life. I have serious chronic health problems. If insurance companies regain the ability to deny me insurance because

I would have also accepted The Rock. Sure, he doesn’t look like original-movie-Gaston as far as things like “having hair” go, but his wrestling career means he’s had years to perfect the performance of “big, buff, spiteful, and really, absurdly full of himself.” Luke Evans is handsome and good at acting, but, well, as

And just think, if Betsy DeVos has her way, soon we’ll be giving our children the sort of education that will help ensure that one day, they too will be able to state with complete confidence that other people are foolish while simultaneously displaying their profound ignorance about history, the world outside of the

Yup. “The buck stops here” has turned into “The buck stops there, or there, or there, or over there, because nothing is ever my fault and everyone is so unfair to me and MY HANDS ARE VERY BIG, SO THERE.”

They absolutely did it on purpose. The problem is, when we reinforce the message that he somehow looks “more like a rapist” without his nerdy makeover, we are guaranteeing that more rapists’ attorneys will do the same thing, and in far too many cases, it will work. I’m fine with showing both pictures, but the point

Yeah, that was the moment that really made me cringe. Between that and the “you should just keep it!” bit, I think Kimmel is the unfortunate combination of (a) racially tone-deaf and (b) bad at off-the-cuff, unscripted comedy.

Thank you. I just said the same thing. It’s really important that we not fall into the trap of thinking they made him look “less like a rapist,” since that just reinforces the terrible idea that there’s some particular way that rapists look and that if someone doesn’t look like that, well, they must not be a rapist

I say this every time the topic comes up: speaking as someone who was raped by a guy who looked so very much like the courtroom version of Labrie that every time I see his picture I get a little sick, no, they shouldn’t. Because it is really, really important for people to realize that rapists don’t have to “look like

I’m wondering if that guy maybe didn’t fully understand what was going on when he started talking - people are definitely conversing behind him in a way that looks to me like they’re still being informed of what’s going on, so maybe he’d heard “it was the wrong envelope” or “there was a screw-up” from the guy in the

Honestly, I think it’s weird and unexpected enough that most of us would stand there going “uhhhh...” for at least a moment or two while we tried to figure out the most diplomatic way of communicating “I think this is the wrong card” on live TV, regardless of age. I’m pretty sure Oscar rehearsals don’t exactly cover

There are two copies of every envelope, one on each side of the stage. Somebody clearly goofed and handed Beatty the leftover Best Actress envelope instead of the Best Picture one, and since the category label is on the side of the envelope facing away from the presenter as they open it, he wouldn’t have any reason

What the hell has to go wrong in your life for you to do something like this?

That’s not a bad general starting point, but I’d recommend that the main thing you “go heavy” on is...whatever she tells or shows you she likes, since different women like different things. (Cheerfully saying anything to the effect of “Tell me if this feels good or if you want me to try something else” is likely to be

1. Yes. You have now been told this multiple times. Women do not generally give even a tenth as much of a shit about what a dude’s lack of erection “means” as guys tend to. There’s a reason “don’t worry, it happens to a lot of guys” is a cliche - it’s not usually us who need to be comforted on this point. A woman

You’ve already had at least one reply explicitly telling you that you are wrong and that she and her friends absolutely would consider such a man to be good at sex. She is not alone, by a long shot. I don’t believe there are more than a handful of women alive who could ever be heard saying, “Ugh, my stupid boyfriend