
Uh, you were doing fairly well for a while there (even if your definitions of “conservative” and “liberal” values don’t seem to have very much in common with how those words are actually used by anyone else), but then you got to “I’d love to see more kids getting hit by adults” and completely lost me. One can believe

Left Shark was funny and cute. I get Left Shark.

But is it true that false rape accusations are not more common than false reports of other crimes?

Generally, men aren’t housed in the same shelter as women because it’s pretty critical to keep the location of and access to the DV shelter from abusers, and so they very understandably don’t want abusers to be able to find their victims by calling up and pretending to be abused themselves. Since most women in DV

I’m even more fond of “Bernie didn’t say ‘mambo,’ he said ‘mamba,’ which is a snake. Marconi created the radio. Maybe Bernie meant to say ‘mambo.’ Maybe it means: If you don’t like this music, some really angry snakes are gonna come out of the speakers.” Makes as much sense as any other theory!

It makes total sense, and it’s absolutely manipulative and violating. That asshole tricked you into having sex with him under false pretenses, since he knew damn well that most women wouldn’t fuck him if he admitted he was married. He very deliberately took your choice in the matter away. That’s completely vile

“We” in this context would be “everyone who has the ability to determine whether those things happen for a given kid.” Given that I’ve consistently posited this as an alternative to “ban all non-related adult men from contact with kids,” I’m not sure how belief in others’ willingness to change comes into it - it is

I think the idea of not “making friends” is a complicated one. There definitely need to be healthy barriers in adult-child relationships, but “no making a connection on any level” isn’t a healthy barrier. We can teach kids to recognize things that really are issues - like the obvious and repugnant example in the

Thanks! It’s one of my favorite poems (and it’s been in my head a lot in the last few months).

There is a huge, huge middle ground between “it’s totally a coincidence that some men who want to work with kids are child molesters” and “there is no reason men would want to work with kids unless they are child molesters.” Being vigilant about watching for signs of abuse is incredibly important. Making sure kids

Yup! Having done this before and witnessed it firsthand, watching some dipshit flail around trying to explain why his dumb bigoted joke was funny without admitting he’s a bigot is about a hundred times more entertaining than the initial bigoted joke could ever be. (My favorite was when every woman present joined

Adults should in no way “connect” with children (except for family members obviously).

There are a number of reasons a man might coach, treat, teach, take care of, or otherwise work with little girls besides “because he wants to molest them.” I think it is really disturbing when we sexualize little girls to the point of imagining that any man who willingly chooses to be around them in any capacity must

I want Greg to return to the show at some point because he’s delightful, but I honestly and truly hope that the show ends with Rebecca single. The show’s been so great about subverting rom-com tropes that I think and hope that if Rebecca gets a happy ending, it’s not going to involve a dude.

This is fucking disgusting. I don’t really believe in heaven and hell, but right now I can’t help kinda hoping that there’s a hell and that Dante got it about right, because the ICE agents who would effectively betray the homeless guests of a church for seeking shelter from the cold pretty much deserve to spend