And Boom Goes the Dynamite

Yeah, there were just as horrible kids - possibly worse - when you were a kid. You just so happen to be reading about an exceptional case on the news. Did they not teach critical thinking 12 years ago? I know this is an incredible concept, but the world is much bigger than your small social sphere.

This doesn’t apply to pre-teens or young teenagers that have no concept of expensive things, like a car. If you flip your shit at a kid, you have serious anger issues and should consider sorting it out. Doubly so if you have an NRA hat considering you likely have an arsenal of guns laying around - something typically

I completely agree. White men should stop fucking breaking the laws that they created and they enforce.

Cover muzzle flash and obscure the direction of the shooter, really. Many people couldn’t figure out where the shooter was at because I’m pretty sure he was using one. You’d definitely be able to see muzzle flash on an automatic rifle firing nonstop if he didn’t have one.

I don’t need to, curbs and gentle road bumps will do it for me.

You can lie all you want on the internet, but that doesn’t stop you from being any less of a racist, homie.

You are talking about a particular fashion choice that is predominantly in a certain economic and racial group - i.e. not white suburbanite. Yes, you are stopping at skin color, but you just lack the critical thinking skills (or are willfully ignorant) to realize it. You like a certain kind of black person, but not

Are you truly this dense or is it just intentional? Either way, the comment wasn’t aimed at you. Grow up.

You shouldn’t take things personally. When they talk about “white people”, they aren’t talking about you in particular or singling you out, unless you are racist yourself.

Well, the same as how anyone sees anyone. Everyone sees skin color, clothing, and looks first. Everyone. What makes people racist is if they stop at that skin color and decide that the person is not worth their time or that they dislike that person without knowing anything about them.

What is there to miss? The game practically had no story.

I feel this is an issue in so many industries right now. The internet has empowered so many people to be ignorant by form of inaccurate or outright false information. The same people are also incredibly stubborn and insecure about what they do know that they’ll vehemently deny an actual professional and expert in the

Nice fact. It doesn’t challenge my argument at all. Or are you just arguing against my metaphor and not my stance? Just, no all around. Let’s rub a little critical thinking into your argument. If that were the case, then the reason why Apple charges an outrageous amount for their products is because they are covering the cost of the service they hand out for free to people that destroy their phone. I worked at an Apple

If midget is an unacceptable phrase and Torbjorn is not a dwarf (or, rather, does not identify as a dwarf), he must be a tall gnome.

Torbjorn is a tall midget (come at me bro) and a turret is a stationary, autoaiming device, not akin to an aimbot. Tell me, when have you experienced an aimbotter that stood still and didn’t run fast, killing everyone in 20 seconds (such as in Counter Strike)? Soldier’s kit is paying homage to the hackers of Counter

I think you just have it out against bombs and midgets. How are you going to complain about aimbots when you ignored the King Aimbot hero, Soldier 76? His ultimate is basically just him turning on the hax to level 11. Teabagging is optional.

I’m not saying that doxing is ever okay, but I am saying that this dingleberry didn’t cover up his license plate in the picture he posted to the world...

Unrelated to the article, I clicked a link to this story from Kotaku. I misread the title as “Yes, I’m Sure I Want Single Player”, and I was fired up because I want more single player games, too! The first couple of paragraphs were very confusing at first. Why do you need to consult experts for this?!

That’s a grand way to lose everything in the divorce. She doesn’t sound like she has a job or form of decent income. She is entirely dependent on the husband and alimony probably won’t cover living expenses. What judge would grant sole custody to the parent that cannot support the child? Not to mention, while you have