Constitution is for cowards. I don’t need more health if I don’t get hit. Gimme all the strength and agility.
Constitution is for cowards. I don’t need more health if I don’t get hit. Gimme all the strength and agility.
Were the people white or black? One is “surviving” and the other is “looting”:
I have an unpopular opinion - why not give everyone over 18 a gun, just like in Switzerland and Israel? It becomes a requirement to take a few hours worth of classes to learn how to properly handle and store it, then we no longer idolize it. You’ll always have the fringe few that want all the guns, but suddenly the…
Here’s the truth of all flags and symbols. The flag has no meaning on its own. The people that fly it give it meaning. So, as this man proved, almost exclusively the group of people that use the flag today are ignorant racists.
This is what drives me crazy about these Confederate Flag defenders. A flag inherently has no meaning, just like symbols. The people that fly the flag and use it give it meaning. As this man just proved, racists are almost entirely the group of individuals that fly the flag, so naturally it is seen as a racist symbol.…
That’s exactly what I’ve taught when I’ve tutored kids before. Grammar is important, however, it isn’t everything like you’re taught in high school. We’ve created spell check and Google makes a good resource when double checking your usage of a word or punctuation (90% the semicolon).
Even with a signal on, it wouldn’t have changed the fact that the cop was traveling 104 mph on a residential road with no siren or lights. An indicator would have changed nothing.
It was my understanding that those devices, just like the pole you get with just about any knife block set, won’t sharpen the edge, it just hones it again. Like you mentioned, your knife will eventually get small nicks and misalignments on the blade and those v-shaped devices will just move the metal back into…
The First Amendment protects you, as a citizen, against oppression. These folks are literally fighting to oppress people of certain color, religion, gender, and lifestyle. They are omitted from their protection of the First Amendment.
Somehow his apologies and follow-ups are worse and more insulting than the original message. Bravo!
I don’t talk to half of my family - my father’s side - specifically for this reason. My parents are a weird mix of liberal and moderate, with a sprinkle of libertarian, but my dad’s family is just a bunch of carbon copy, white, Fox News watching, hypocritical, pieces of shit. I gave them a chance when I first got…
You know what will mend the relationship between our justice system and the minorities it exploits? Clearly renaming this goddamn street. Fuck actually doing something, let’s get on a soapbox and blast this particular military base for not changing the name of a street. That’ll make people think that she is actually…
I think that’s definitely hyperbolic. Remember how everyone was screaming about “ermergerd think of der manuals!” when automatic started taking over. Then automatic surpassed human capability in performance. Then Sport transmission (automatic with a “manual” mode) stopped sucking. Now no one is bitching about manuals…
As someone who plays casually and casually got a cool Diamond placement this season, I can leave one bit of advice: get good at DPS and it takes you places. Don’t take this as a backhanded bit of advice, I mean it. The game heavily favors good DPS players over any support or tank, and it makes sense why.
Does the weather insult you, as well? Grow up.
I was under the assumption that the fight in the video took place in the past and he was reminiscing. That’s why it ended with him walking out of the prison he was in. I’d imagine all Winston has to do is just put Tracer’s backpack back on.
Here’s how I deal with any flaky friend: I don’t.
Yeah, it is your problem. If your answer is maybe, then change it to a no and don’t bother showing up. Be an adult and learn how to make decisions. Yes or no. It’s that simple.
On one hand, it should be obvious that any mood enhancing/changing drug probably will mess with the development of a child by the chemicals it introduces to your body. Caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, THC, etc. all can cause issues with your child’s growth and can greatly increase the chance of birth related disorders…
Except when you actually go to college and take a history class, they usually do a pretty good job of explaining what actually happened, unlike the sterilized agenda you are fed in grade school. You know, the same program that so many GOP politicians push in schools. The ones where you don’t actually learn about how…