“This is why homeland security must be squared away [and] why our military must be invincible.”
“This is why homeland security must be squared away [and] why our military must be invincible.”
As a matter of fact, Jesus Christ did.
Actually, you have proven mine, as you said you just looked up the term.
I’m assuming the term “femme fatale” is not in your vocabulary.
I think you kind of took this comment in a direction I don’t think it was headed.
That’s why I like playing Lucio with Mercy (when there are competent DPS players). It allows her to not constantly stress about the teams minor healing needs and focus on major heals/defending herself. If your team can stay in the damn circle, Lucio is a beast.
I suggest you apply more rationale to the situation. If two adult men cannot take down a 65 lbs. dog, then they are unfit to be police officers. How can they detain a 170 lbs. man if this dog is too much for them to handle? No, these two men recklessly discharged their weapon and killed a completely innocent teenager.…
You’re waving off the loss of a teenager’s life as “bad luck”. No, it goes beyond bad luck. These men were reckless and deserve to be charged as such.
A 65 lbs. dog is nothing to brush off, but it’s not a goddamn rampaging elephant. Sure, piss off that pit bull and have it come at me. I might get scraped up and bit a few times, but I’m certainly not going to kill a teenager while wrestling it.
Then don’t. Black-on-black crime is not the same as police brutality, as you stated, and that isn’t the topic of the story. What you are doing is trying to shift the focus away from the real issue.
Considering it was two grown ass men, they should be able to wrangle a 65 lbs. dog to the ground with little issue. Could you get hurt a little? Sure. You’re a cop, don’t be a pussy. It’s like a firefighter not wanting to go into a burning building because they might get hot. It comes with the job. Don’t want to get…
I semi-agree with the sentiment. There’s a fine line between being helpful and being overbearing, but a couple of those mentioned features are not in the latter.
If you mainly play a tank or support class, focus on your DPS game. If there’s anything I’ve noticed in the lower ranks is that most of the times the DPS members aren’t very good. Their aim is poor, their map placement is usually thoughtless, and they aren’t very good at communicating or working as a team.
Yeah, just like Valve and their disruption in the video game industry! Oh wait, that doesn’t sound like Gabe at all...
I have a couple of theories on placing. Last season I placed in Platinum (~2600) and I didn’t really do much comp all season. Towards the end of the season, my friend got all fired up after buying the game on PC and I worked my way up to ~2850.
This exactly. I was trying to explain this to my friend. I lost 6 of my 10 placement matches and still got placed in Diamond. My friend who I was placing with ended up in Silver. We had at least a 1200 pt. difference.
Mega Man X3: $200 - $400
It’s like creating “art” about the Holocaust using replica models of Auschwitz. There are some things you just shouldn’t do. It wouldn’t be a good installation to begin with and it’s simply there for shock value, not anything substantial or meaningful.
Context clues are your best friend. They help solve many of life’s simple grammatical questions, such as this.
Did you really just compare gay conversion therapy to AA? Bud, maybe you should tone down your anti-religious bias a bit because you’re blurring the lines between questionably effective and malicious. One group seeks to break down a person’s identity and replace it while the other group tries to solve problems of an…