And Boom Goes the Dynamite

C’mon, don’t act like this is for any reason other than keeping advertisers (sponsors, whatever) happy.

Must be difficult to live with such insecurities and a fragile identity. I hope you can overcome your shortcomings and live a full, fruitful life.

I don’t really see how diving off of a diving board and surviving an impact from a car are relative incidents. I don’t know about you, but surviving a wreck ranks up with enjoying life. Plus, those seats look uncomfortable as hell.

Says the person that ended their argument in the exact same manner. Condescending to younger individuals by repeating tired tropes is ageism, (i.e. “using your brain” is from a bygone era) as well. I figured you would at least see the hypocritical humor in that.

I always thought he needed his Seismic Slam ability to reset on successful Rocket Punch kills. I mean, if Genji gets the same benefit with his dash, why shouldn’t the other melee character? It’d allow him to be more aggressive and disruptive.

I’d advising taking a step back for a second and put down your archaic rhetoric. I completely agree that looking at a map prior to leaving is the best thing to do - I do that as well - but that is irrelevant to the argument of screen vs. mess of buttons, which is the heart of the argument. Let’s compare two images:

Being such a small, insecure person must be a difficult life to live. Yet another day of being incompetent, eh? Good day.

Which is why I’m calling bullshit again. Unless are so close to the steering wheel you could dry hump it or your daily driver is a micro-sized car like an old MR2, you have to lean forward, even slightly, to make adjustments on the console. Your eyes, even for half a second, are going to divert to see what buttons to

And in-game purchases don’t specifically target those with gambling addiction. Those with gambling addiction just happen to abuse it, much like alcoholics and alcohol.

That is changing your seating position. You went from focused, set in your chair to leaning forward and distracted. I didn’t mean readjusting the seat itself (i.e. changing the seat’s position). The central knob in the Mazda6 let’s me control all aspects of the media console without breaking eye contact.

  • What’s the most expensive piece of equipment in your kitchen? Has it made your life better? Wusthof knife set or Mauviel copper saute & fry pans. Never, never underestimate a good knife. I think you could skimp on your pots and pans (at least have one non-Teflon pan for proper searing), but never skimp on knives.

Bull. Shit.

There are too many people that actually think this. A rounding error is closer to <50,000. We don’t hand count the votes, we have a computer do it. The only reason why it would miscalculate a million votes is because of human related error, or someone is up to shenanigans.

This a thousand times. There is a person at my girlfriend’s job that honestly believes the world is flat. The best way to combat that level of crazy and stupid is to raise the stakes. “Oh, you probably still think the sun is real, too. What kind of sheep are you?” They have no idea how to answer it and it’s fun to

Considering Texas is the second highest grossing state in the country, I’d say they are already rather successful.

Hold on, now we are on “but think of the kids!”? Think about that for a second: most of the streams are about people shooting at and blowing each other up with very foul language woven in. That’s not even including the fact that many of the games include female characters that are dressed every more provocatively than

How exactly is the fault on the “cam girls” on Twitch? Simply put, if there wasn’t a market for it, there wouldn’t be a problem. Watching people do anything on a live stream is a form of entertainment. Perhaps the reason why people are watching big boobs play a video game is because it is more entertaining than their

I suppose what surprised me the most from the responses is about the person potentially not existing or not actually being an employee of EA and not about the insane death threats from people. If this person is a fraud, it would be a clever way to bait out the crazies on Twitter for mass banning.

It doesn’t matter if

6. Bernie Sanders.

Ask Ammon Bundy how well that whole armed, organized militia thing worked out.