And Boom Goes the Dynamite

Vagina, much like coffee and alcohol, is an acquired taste. Very, very few people (male and female) are immediately accustomed to the taste of any oral sex act. This goes for the girls out there as well. I can’t imagine my sweaty balls and dick tasting like a delicious popsicle after a long day, nor can you have the

Hearing all sorts of horror stories of legitiment breeders makes my heart hurt. My mother has bred a particularly uncommon breed of dog since I was about 5 (so about 23 years) and that experience with raising puppies helped me so much in the future when I went to get my own dog.

I don’t really see the issue here and I actually applaud them for creating a program around the idea of understanding why someone would want to kill themselves in this manner. Pretty much no one in this country understands (or tries to) the mindset or culture behind Islamic extremism, so it’d help to have some

Those are some pretty broad accusations that could be applied to any company. Have any specifics? I’m not defending them, either, I’m just saying you are making hyperbolic, general statements that could be applied anywhere, so you should considering backing up your claims if you want to be taken seriously.

Literally any book by Christopher Moore. He is one of the most entertaining, hilarious, and clever writers that I’ve ever read. If you want a good place to start, read Lamb. (Full disclosure, he may seem like a Christian writer based on some of the plots, but if you read his stuff you’ll see he is really anything but)

It’s a pretty simple thought process. Let me give you a hand with the heavy mental thinking:

Dr. Group looks like he watched Troy and was so enamored with Brad Pitt’s version of Achilles that he went out and bought a wig with a similar hair style and color.

And yet we still have a sports team supported and celebrated by people of all colors called the “Red Skins”. Right, that’s because people still don’t give a shit about Native Americans. One day, American, one day...

Seriously, just read a book with more than 20 pages in it. I’m not overly lavish in my wording and my arguments aren’t dissertations. If you lack to capability or attention to read it all, I’m not the problem.

Being concise is not good when your statements are moronic or vague. It just means you have no idea how to

Thank you for further proving my point. No, I’m saying that the amount of brain power you use requires a lot less oxygen than you are sucking in and to please use less since people who have a normal functioning and balanced brain could utilize it better.

I’m pretty sure positive the man’s race was never revealed in the story. Furthermore, it is pointing out that a non-American did the punching, while the Fresno incidents were between an American and 3 other Americans. So I ask, what the fuck does this have to do with this story?

Much like a “real car”? Get the fuck outta here. You sound like the kind of person that buys a giant pick up to drive around the city and cleans it the second a speck of mud gets on it. You don’t actually use it for it’s intended purpose and are very similar to a metro sexual cowboy with $3000 boots (thanks Bo

Lemme dumb it down for you:

Y’all? And what group am I suddenly a part of? I haven’t even hinted at what political stances I have. My post was simply pointing out that the original comment I was replying to was devoid of facts, opinion, and thought at it’s creation. If there’s a group of people that support writing like that - the kind where you

My advise would be to read my entire post repeatedly until you get it. Maybe then you’ll make comments that are relevant. I mean, fuck, you didn’t even get my positioning on that part of my comment correct. It’s amazing how much can you fuck up with two sentences.

Could you really, for a second, stop, read what you wrote, and realize you still haven’t made an argument? You’ve just mashed a bunch of bullshit together doing line by line retorts of what ever another person said. That is lazy, at best. Why are you wasting your time regurgitating tired arguments and phrases (hurr

Maybe this is the controversial stance, but I don’t see a problem here. Before the Lucio changes, I would get on fire within the first 60 seconds of the game and stay on fire most of the time, especially on offense. Just for doing my job with some level of efficiency. Kinda felt cheap and without merit.

You basically stated a bunch of words with no meaning or argument. Essentially you just said you disagree with the person you’re arguing with in 5 paragraphs (there were a few individual lines that shouldn’t have been by themselves and don’t really count as a paragraph). Congratulations, a first grader can say “I

After checking to see how long you’ve been posting, I think one can safely surmise that you are just a troll. Please keep your ridiculous bullshit contained to YouTube comments.

It’s because deep down he wants to fuck himself, but he will never find someone so perfect, so he must settle.