Don’t disagree with you there and we could easily get buy without using the built-in radar. Don’t forget that nowadays (while actually 2 decades ago) there are satellites that track and classify every single radar emitter...
Don’t disagree with you there and we could easily get buy without using the built-in radar. Don’t forget that nowadays (while actually 2 decades ago) there are satellites that track and classify every single radar emitter...
Authority lol. It took me some time to realize that I wasn’t going to get any respect as an E-5. Once I did, I found peace.
You know, if more internet conversations went the way this one did, we’d probably have world peace
I had VERY good Chief Petty Officers who assisted me with routine admin.
So in 2003, the Navy switched from emphasizing hands-on training at SWO to OJT using a 22 volume set of CDs. At least a few retired Navy officers are pointing to this change as having played a role in the current series of collisions.
Thats pretty judgy. It all depends on your rate, commanding officer, life situation. I was done with being a green shirt on the flight deck of a carrier working 18+ hour days at the first opportunity out and never looked back. Flight ops are fucking long and dont get me started when the noobs loose a tool in the…
2004-2005, so not old just hard living.
What you actually learnt is that military personnel have a dark, and often self deprecating sense of humour, they need it too.
Look, I have no great love for the Navy. I didn’t enjoy my time at the Academy, I wasn’t cut out to be a Navy officer, and I got out at 5 years. I missed my family too much and found the other officers to be arrogant assholes, by and large; I don’t regret my decision to separate.
Seawolf-class like the Jimmy Carter is made from steel (HY-100; previous subs were HY-80). I think the Virginia-class is the same.
Basically all US submarines used to be (talking WW2-era here) named after fish and other sea creatures. Battleships got state names. Cruisers got named after cities. Destroyers got named after people.
I can explain the ‘funky mast’. (Funny to see how little things change, been almost 2 decades since I was on the bridge of a sub, but they are still hauling up a Furuno. (brand name of the commercial radar unit that you are seeing).
Wow, such a stereotypical academy guy answer.
Well, there will be a ship named after him, but it will probably be in the Russian navy.
“The Jolly Roger indicated it had successfully done something. But what? We may never know.”
That’s an awesome guess!
Picking up North Korea rockets from the sea floor?
Back around 1918, Admiral Fisher wrote that the battleship was finished because the airplanes from a carrier could get torpedoes and bombs farther and cheaper than a battleship could deliver shells. Again, in 1918.