Ancient Subhunter

For all these pics, Jerry, thanks. I am especially drawn to the paint job on the reminds me of the F-4B-4s, Devastators, early PBYs...all before WW2.

...hehehehe...roger that!

Agreed...I was glad to read recently that the Naval Academy was reinstating training cadets on the use of the sextant.

Sorry, DCV...getting old...need glasses....


Jerry, the Sundowner F-4 dropping its load should be enough for anyone...

Actually, I was referring to the removal of or failure to place the gun and the need for air-to-air combat maneuvering training.

Or this one-of-a-kind which is my favorite

What do you think of the artwork on the back/top of the Japanese F-15s?

Your comment worries me...

I concur. The XL has the most graceful lines.

Hmmm...I-45 northbound going into Houston, Monday morning at 0800.

Certainly far more intelligent and thoughtful than what passes for SecDef/Nav/AF/AR today and recently.

Never seen nor heard of this occurring before. I’m glad the taxpayer gets to be this close to see what we did/do.

Let me finish answering your questions:

Well, I found a computer so let me try and answer some of what you ask.


...and Tyler, thanks for always having great pieces about the S-3.

To all who replied, thank you for honoring such an amazing aircraft.

Great story about you and your Dad. As I said above, we were often mistaken for the A-6.