Good eye...the EA-6B
Good eye...the EA-6B
Often confused with the A-6 due to the large eggshell nose.
You are correct sir...they did it often when anchored at Diego Garcia and we did it rarely in the Atlantic/Med.
Texaco was another common patch once we took over tanking from the KA-6.
Moose, you a single sentence...honored that aircraft with the greatest summation I have ever seen or considered. Thank you.
Especially on a cold day and the pilot played with the throttles. But the original term came from the flight deck crews who considered it the vacuum cleaner sound as the aircraft was taxiing around deck...lot of throttle movement there.
Had to be pretty tall to have that happen...funny, nonetheless!
Great camping site and a tremendously beautiful area, especially in winter. I was stationed at the old Cecil Field Naval Air Station just to your south.
Excellent question. They were traveling from their base on the coast of Georgia to, I presume, their patrol area. Never found one via our sonobuoys.
Thanks for the link. Yep...we have never been the best representatives for the US around the world.
Thanks...I’m learning!
I’m beginning to see that....the power of economics.
Amen! Never utilized that nomenclature.
Did they really?! Economics always trumps...well...everything!
Shit...can’t spell today.
...And don’t misunderstand me...most launches don’t have a is an indication of extenuating factors (some of which I described) that instigate it.
You win both the Common Sense award and the Fiscal Maturity award!
I was wondering about that...thanks for this.
Mr. Diaz...thank you for that. I am surprised by that. A good day to you as well.
For us in the Viking we had no excuse...we always carried the green flight bags (actually helmet bags that we stored everything except a helmet in). So I always packed plenty of extra piddle packs!