Didn’t know that!
Didn’t know that!
Good...I did not know that. We didn’t even have that in the S-3...but we weren’t flying for 10+ hours either.
If those are genuine figures, then there is a problem!
LoL! I bet there are many, many pilots that feel the same!
Do you know where? Is it Okinawa? Or Diego Garcia?
That’s a really expensive plane to operate...
The B-1 is able to...loiter up to 10 hours without a single refueling.
My motivation for the comment has been the historical resistance in Okinawa and South Korea to all forms of US military presence...Even today the Japanese on Okinawa don’t want the USMC base to be moved to a new location on the island (as they are currently considering), much less keeping it where it is at now.
Thank you for that, zax.
Come to think of it...I’d mistake them for the guys that work on an oil rig or a merchant ship.
Agreed...I notice he tends to reply only within the first hour(?) of posting to those who post within that time frame...other than that, not a peep.
That works...though you are right...a bit on the goofy (read: not all that professional looking). The Coast Guard and the submariners have a professional looking set and I think the submariners are going to the Coast Guard style.
I know he is a busy soul providing us this meat to chew on....I would like for him to write a piece about his average day to understand his research/writing process.
Isn’t that amazing...I don’t think folks actually think about that when they read through the “Armament” for this boat.
I am but a peasant here and everywhere :0)...not sure what it takes. I have had a few people complain on my behalf to but...
Me neither...no notification and random placement.
Not a dumb question at all...it is a great observation.
Really interesting...thanks for the link.
Actually, coveralls (or a blue fatigues) are far more practical. I hated the dungarees but appreciated their traditional value.