Haven’t followed the design across all the navies of the world...the whys and whats...but when we first started using ISAR back in the late ‘80s, it must have really scared the shit out of everybody.
Haven’t followed the design across all the navies of the world...the whys and whats...but when we first started using ISAR back in the late ‘80s, it must have really scared the shit out of everybody.
Great wisdom spoken by you. Thanks for that...
Well, hell..responded to the wrong person! Let me try this again...I’m getting old.
A point conspicuously absent from several forums, I’ve noticed.
Would make for a great addition to the next Lego Star Wars movie.
Gotta love the hair...
Great answer here:
Thanks for chiming in with the answer...and there are plenty of news stories plus Coast Guard Alaska, etc. that show the crews keeping up their ship board landing quals on all types of ships, including destroyers, carriers, and (in the past) frigates.
...more coffee spilt...!
Thanks for the hot coffee spill...don’t know whether to sue Duncan or you...LMFAO!!!!...repeat....
At what range...as well as what time of day...in what conditions (sea state, weather)...if the Kilo skipper detects the P-8’s radar, will he move to a group of fishing boats and poke his snorkel there (risking getting caught in the fishing gear) or amid the infamous trash areas that float amid the ocean currents.
I love that something as simple as the angle and number of blades makes such a difference:
Were I younger and had the critical thinking skills and the access, I’d love to write an extensive history of each military project since the end of WW2 and document why there was so much cost-overrun, politician manipulated contract awarding and poor procurement decisions (B-36 vs. USS United States, F-111, M-1,…
I agree with the P-1 purchase by the US. It is strange that we demand that our allies purchase systems from our manufacturers they don’t necessarily want or need based on promised products that don’t materialize in promised form. Our ability to bully economically is legendary.
Thanks for reminding me how important it is to think a post through and look at sources before commenting.
Another one when you get a chance...
I mostly agree with you...but sometimes the Pentagon has a humble streak...or, in order to get more funding for more Virginia’s, some Congressional committee will get classified or unclassified confirmation to embellish the request.
Oh...and if we were doing workups on the boat doing ASW, but were off the coast of Florida or Roosevelt Roads (but simulating Blue Water Ops), we would happily extend the MAD boom in hopes of getting it stuck out.
You are absolutely right.
Too funny! And that is another variable in the equation/fog of war.