As far as I know...I keep checking to see if any source other than Indian is fessing up...but nothing yet.
As far as I know...I keep checking to see if any source other than Indian is fessing up...but nothing yet.
Gotta love SOSUS! Don’t know what its status is today...I’m fearful it went the way of most ASW considerations in 1989.
And that is a critical consideration...for all the tracking you do passively, once you go active it is a whole new ball game.
Me neither...but they sold the milling technology to the Soviets. Here’s an old NY Times article on the politics of it...
Damn...all I have is the Discover card. I hate my 3rd to 4th world status and 382 credit score.
I appreciate it. I’ve enjoyed your comments here.
Had I to do it all over again with the knowledge I have today? Hell yes!
Thanks for commenting...that is very encouraging.
Depth is an important variable...pressure reduces or eliminates cavitation.
Even a rusted knife in a knife fight will do harm.
Great question.
I didn’t have a chance to catch you in the Zumwalt piece yesterday.
As I’ve said elsewhere...when we did our ASWex with our own subs, they had to help us acoustically...and that was the fast attack boats.
And Putin is loving all the free advertisement he and his Naval Sales Department are getting, live via the Western media, from the Caspian and Mediterranean Seas.
Only sources for this claim, to date, are from India media. Even the rare Western reports are quick to point out “...if the Indian media is to be believed.”
Happy Tuesday to you, Buzz.
That is the arresting wire scraping across the impact pads. The pads protect the steel flight deck.
Very nice! Back in the day when the UK had full size aircraft carriers. Thanks for including this.
I have taken should teach photography and write about it. Thank you very much.