
I definitely feel for dolphin woman lol.

So... I am embarrassed to say that I didn’t know the term “ch!nky” eyes was a racial slur until I was in COLLEGE. I had never heard that word used to refer to Asians (could be because there were almost none where I grew up). To me, it just meant when you squint when high - which is a total facepalm now. Like how did I

If it makes you feel better about whatever you and your wife did, about 10 years ago I came back from a Sox/Cubs day game to rejoin a pool party that was going on all weekend and: tried to hook up with someone’s girlfriend right in front of him; broke a jacuzzi; got in the pool when everyone else was running in when

I don’t know what led Teigen to so hatefully treat the 16 year-old years ago, and I don’t know enough about this to understand most of it, but I can say with no doubt that there is not one person commenting here that wants any of us to be made aware of their worst moments.

Twitter was a mistake.  

It’s weird to read this which is written as this is ancient history, with the author coolly observing this phenomenon as if from afar. I am eight months older than William. I remember well the incongruity of flipping through Tiger Beat or Seventeen looking at pictures of teenie bopper pop stars and actors, only to be

Gwen is terrified to grow up. Literally wearing the same clothes and same look and sound from 25 years ago and simpering next to her “aw shucks, trucks” fiancé. Critically appraising her past choices is impossible as it’s threatening to her frozen sense of self. I don’t know what scared this woman who had everything

“Reverse cuff”? As in “cuff” pronounced backwards? (Try it and see.)

CROPPED FLARES?! Burn it to the fucking grounddddddd.

Honestly, I have been knotting all of my t-shirts at the waist and exposing a sliver of flesh in the hopes that it looks good, and generaly, it sort of does? Otherwise, I’m about to start leaving the house in a sports bra as a top, because i have a very short torso. I hear that the Everlane boxy cropped tee or

Defending itself is what Israel does by deploying it’s super effective counter missile grid.

I certainly didn’t say Hamas had the moral high ground! Very interesting that you read a comment that did not mention Hamas one single time, certainly not approvingly, and included the sentence “Palestinian lives are not any more or less valuable than Israeli lives” and somehow thought lecturing me about HAMAS not

This whole thing was kicked off by extremist Haredi marching through Palestinian neighborhoods, attacking their inhabitants, and screaming “DEATH TO ARABS”, all while under the protection of the IDF.

She did mention it.  Israel is launching airstrikes that are killing Palestinians. The violence is going both ways. Palestinian lives are not any more or less valuable than Israeli lives. And as always, far more Palestinian civilians will die as a result of the outbreak of violence than Israeli civilians. Hell, it’s

Okay hot stuff, why is it that Hamas is launching rockets? ever stop to think of that, that if Israel stopped doing their shitty things that Hamas would stop. There is a cause and effect going on here, the cause in Israel, and Hamas is the effect.

It wasn’t a bad picture! It was just a picture from high school!

Okay, so I have the weirdest thing to report. Often Friday evenings, I find myself cleaning with a huge burst of (pre-weekend?) energy. Perhaps we are not alone? Or is it the residual energy from youth — when Friday night meant socializing? Because I’m a zombie when I come home from work Monday through Thursday, and

Austen being a hedgehog would be a much more interesting scandal than “privileged 18th century woman has family ties to racist business”, imo.

Exactly. My family has been in North America long enough to be implicated in just about everything shitty that has been done here, and I have a cousin who was kidnapped into my family via the Sixties Scoop (children stolen off of reservations and adopted out into white families). I don’t think it’s even a matter of

Thank you. I don’t know that many men who get upset about men existing in different shapes and sizes. However, men who are chill about body diversity in men tend to have less chill viewpoints when it comes to women existing in different shapes and sizes.