
I’m sure this will restart the AntiFa HQ twitter thread.

I think more needs to be said about former president tough guy talking about how bricks are too heavy to throw.  

I saw this clip last night and had no idea it was a reference to something Trump said and I will now be on the floor laughing for the rest of the day. 

While I’m normally all about the gendered biases in medicine, this articles seems a little excessive, given that we are learning, literally in real time, about both the coronavirus and Covid, and the vaccines. A year ago people were wiping down their mail or quarantining their packages. We only learned of efficacious

I couldn’t even finish this article because it was bringing back a LOT of bad memories that make me really resent my family and I’m trying not to do that. But, yeah.....I remember my grandmother, in the middle of a department store, loudly chastising me for not having a bra on and making me stand there while she found

I hear you. I’m turning 50 this year and my weight has been an issue since I was a child. Short story - I was adopted at birth and I had no idea who my birth parents were. This year, I found my birth mom who gave me my birth father’s name. I googled him and found several pictures of him all at different weights, but

Nah, it just weirdly clears up the whole matter: grandparents can’t take photos for sh*t.

Right? I always thought Khloe had... Trying to think of the polite way to say this...? An “unusual” face and a really unfortunate hairline?

*blood curdling screams in the distance, followed by a loud splash*

Yeah. Recently I’ve had very mixed feelings about Alexi McCammond’s firing from Vogue Teen, which this article reminded me of.

What bugs me the most about the voices calling for an end to “cancel culture” is their attempt to paint it as something only bad awful left people do, and to suggest it’s something recent. When in fact ostracizing people for their words, actions, or even just rumors is quite ancient, and heavily practiced by

Ex drug user here. Did pretty much everything I could get my hands on for about 3 years. With very little limitations (no needles, no meth.) and without any restraints (weekdays, weekends, whatever).

Then I finished school, found a job, and stopped. It was painless, I didn’t even really think about it, I just found

yeah i agree with you. i was never a full-blown addict, but I never realized how badly my “casual, moderate” use of substances was actually fucking up my life until I quit them and became completely sober. My drugs of choice were weed (“harmless”) and alcohol (“socially acceptable”). Getting sober has really made me

Yogurt is meant to be an ingredient in a broader dish or as the primary constituent of a side dip. The “yogurt for breakfast” thing is almost as weird as cold cereal for breakfast. Americans suck at eating.

Saying “I’m not racist” is just about the worst thing you can say* when someone accuses you of racism. It basically just confirms that you’re racist—that you don’t care how your words and actions affect others, that you don’t spend time thinking about unconscious (or conscious) biases, that haven’t educated yourself

Plus, she seems unhealthily skinny for a woman her age with three kids. It’s no big deal if it’s her natural size, but she really does have the physical appearance of someone with an eating disorder.

I know Meghan and Harry went out of their way to avoid implicating the Queen directly in anything they said (and that Oprah has confirmed it wasn’t her or Philip who said the Archie thing), which I think is a complex mix of both genuine affection for her and also wanting to avoid the even worse shitstorm that would

I really wanted to hear them say that the claims of denying mental health care to a member of the family would be looked into. It should horrify Grandma to hear that a woman she likes who is married to a grandson she loves, wasn’t able to get help she needed because of the structure of the system. 

I think that Charles is probably running everything, perhaps with help from William and the Queen just shows up and waves when she’s needed. She’s in her late 90's.  I’m guessing she sleeps 15 hours a day.

I freely admit I like the Queen very much, so I’m willing to throw her a bone: I do not think she knew how bad it was for H&M. When Harry said in the interview she invited him to Norfolk, but that offer was rescinded by her secretary - this is the secretary that Charles hired after he got rid of the one whose primary