
I don’t know why I’m even wading into this, but hi, OB/Gyn here. This sounds like an absolutely horrible situation and I feel so bad for this family - having been in many shoulder dystocias (thankfully, all of which ended with minor injuries at worst), I can vividly picture this truly horrific experience. But as

There are a lot of awful, “I struggled so you should too,” shitty, biased, privileged women out there for sure. Maybe I’m an optimist, but I do feel that in medicine at least there truly is a culture shift towards valuing patient autonomy and a more intersectional approach to patient care, at least in the bicoastal

You said all of that a lot better than I did. You definitely captured the rock-and-a-hard place feeling. We’re working in a shitty, soulless system that exploits our labor, inflicts moral injury, and encourages providers to phone it in just to get through the day, at their patients’ expense. I need to see 30 patients

I spend a lot of time fantasizing about 30 years from now when all the old white men in leadership positions in OB/Gyn and associated research specialities have died/retired and the leadership will skew more female simply due to changing demographics. You’re right about the amount of internalized misogyny in women’s

Endometriosis sucks and it is wonderful that more research is being done into various subtypes so that they can be treated appropriately, rather than lumped into one generic category that ignores huge differences in pathophysiology. This stratification happened in cancer treatment over a decade ago, and the fact that

The bit about the IUD is absolutely horrifying. Self removal is an option! A slow steady tug and then have all the kids you want, Britney. 

I made strawberry campari ice cream today! 

I feel like Biden has flown very under the radar since his inauguration, and so the “at least he’s not Trump!” feeling lasted longer than I expected for someone who is fundamentally a centrist in office to appease people who think subsidizing childcare is radical. He is currently loudly affirming that he is indeed a

If all goes according to plan, I’ll finish training and start my official adult doctor job at....39. It’s weird being bossed around by people two years younger than me but five years ahead in their training, but I guess I’m getting used to it. All thats to say...fuck year for the late bloomer career club. 

Cropped jeans, especially those cropped kick-flare monstrosities, give me horrible flashbacks to being 5'9" at 14 in 2003 when all of the jeans were boot cut and stopped right at my ankle bone. All I wanted was to being one of the cool girls in chucks and jeans with shredded hems from walking on them, but instead I

It’s been a running joke among friends and family that I need two hours after work on Fridays to furiously vacuum. I think your explanation makes sense! 90% of the time I finish cleaning and then settle in for an exciting night of having a glass of wine and reading. 

I try to tidy/light clean one room per day/every other day: put away clothes and tidy the bedroom, wipe down surfaces in the bathroom and put away products, put away dishes and wipe down the stove and sweep the kitchen.

Right?! Not to be a medical-industrial complex apologist, but theoretically all vaccines can cause swollen lymph nodes, as can various non-cancer things anyone interpreting a mammogram should be aware of. False positives are a known risk of routine screening, and are why some physicians actually don’t recommend

My MIL will make elaborate, delicious, multicourse French meals that are heavy on the butter but overall healthy in the context of her family’s eating habits, watch us eat, and then serve herself a bowl of plain oatmeal. She insists she prefers it but she isn’t fooling me...

I got my period fairly young (age 10) and my strongest memory of it is my mom sobbing into her hands, wailing, “Short and fat! My baby is doomed to be short and fat!” because in general girls’ growth slows after menarche. Her response was to forbid me from having dessert or sweets and immediately enroll me in

Man, everyone is harsh. I thought this was among the best looks of the evening! I’m just so sick of mesh and floral appliques and giant bows, and I’m wildly against the pastel revival currently in progress (here’s looking at you, Haim and Lizzo). At least Doja Cat’s look was interesting and played with the constrasts:

It’s atrocious and seems to accommodate a very narrow range of titty sizes. 

We’re both in therapy, separately. He is definitely serious about recommitting and changing for the better; unfortunately, that typically takes a lot of exertion on my part, since it’s been my job to tell him what I need, explain why I need it, explain how to make said changes, and then continually reinforce those

Love those resolutions! Definitely going to incorporate some of those into my mindset as I rampage into 2021. I used to think resolutions were cheesy but apparently the trauma of 2020 turned me into a complete cornball so now I’m all for it. My resolutions are:

I have an extremely elderly cat whose ideal sleeping position is forming a bridge between my butt and my sweetie’s butt. Front half on his butt, back half on mine. We have to spoon all night and all turns must be coordinated so the damn cat can walk in place while we roll over.