
I disagree. Abortion is only a complex topic if you believe something about it that makes it complex. I personally view a 6-week abortion the same way I’d view, say, an appendix removal or other minor surgery; the fetus is a clot of blood and cells no bigger than my fingernail, and since any pregnancy can go wrong at

Yup. And I think the general public does not understand the abuse healthcare professionals are subject to. Humor is the only coping mechanism.

I know a lot doctors, nurses, and EMTs, and I can say with complete certainty that healthcare is no different from any other service industry that interacts with the general public on a daily basis, in that it’s not remotely weird for service providers to talk shit about the customers (i.e.,

So this is related to this topic, but it seems shit has hit the fan in the world of nursing. I haven’t worked bedside healthcare in a long time, and don’t think I could ever go back.

When talking about a medical procedure, is it not important to discuss it in medically correct terminology? Saying that the electrical waves produced in the fetus at 6 weeks are a “heartbeat” is MEDICALLY incorrect. Full Stop.

Stephen Colbert was right. The truth DOES have a liberal bias.

Yes, so many stories like that. The most interesting one in my family was a mail order bride. She was one of many siblings on a farm in Sweden. On his deathbed, her father made her oldest brother (who would inherit the farm) swear to take care of his mother and unmarried sisters. That promise lasted precisely as long

Why would you ruin a perfectly good monster truck rally with some kind of christian men’s life overtones


Well Jenna, which ever one you end up dating, I’ll take the other one.  I’m down.

Part of what made Momoa so hot was being committed to an older woman.  He has lost at least 20% of his hotness because it really made up for him being such a bro/himbo.

Dogs are the best. I was house-sitting for my parents once, and their dog - a lab/shepherd mix who was so stupidly friendly he would open the door for burglars and show them where all the best stuff was - started creeping from room to room. I was following him when he suddenly turned away from the wall and physically

My mom grew up in a small farm in the middle-of-nowhere northwestern Minnesota. Her dad died before I was born, but I regularly visited her mom (my grandmother) still living at the farm, until she passed when I was a teenager. My grandmother was the prototypical Great Depression-forged Midwest farm wife of Norwegian

I’ve experienced many a spooky thing in my life but this one hands down is my favorite. I used to live in an apartment building that was originally a doctors house from about 1900. My sensitive friends and I took the time to identify the different ghosts we felt around the house there was a little girl and everyone

In hindsight, my “cold sore?” guess is so naive, it’s quaint.

The elder LGBTQ+ plus community would be so much larger and more vibrant had the AIDs crisis been handled differently.

While I agree with a lot of your points, I’m not sure that I’d refer to a podcast about missing & murdered Indigenous women by an Indigenous woman as “performatively woke”.

I’d like to plug You’re Wrong About, whose hosts are intelligent, clever and hilarious (and feminist) and who always offer a POV that’s worth considering. There are a handful based on famous murders, but the gist is events from history that the collective often got wrong. I learned so much more about Kitty Genovese -

So I think we need to horsewhip and hang the proud boys just because i’m fucking sick of this. You want to feel oppressed? I can make you fucking oppressed you cunts.

Adam Driver being a topic causes a lot of polarizing answers in your family is hysterical to me