
here’s like 1% of the facts of his fucked up family. armie’s father repeatedly raped his sister casey, armie’s aunt. armie’s grandfather, casey’s father , also repeatedly raped her and her sister. that’s just the tip of the iceberg of that poisonous family.

Thank you for this. Amazing all that you got in your post while most media outlets are barely covering any of this.

I give mad props to the Marine tasked with escorting that dress to the podium. One big gust of wind and dignitaries would have been flattened. 

I loved that Kamala and Hillary were on the same purple wavelength. It’s coincidental, but there is so much symbolism there.

The earrings and ring that Amanda Gorman are wearing were gifts from Oprah. When Maya Angelou read at Clinton’s Inauguration, the coat she wore was a gift from Oprah. O wanted to do the same for Amanda. However, Amanda told her that she had already bought a coat in her favorite color. So, Oprah gave her the gold hoops

My grandfather would say, “He’s not going to light the T but he’d help gather the wood” that was used to sum up a lot of friendly “racist” we knew. It was both a warning and an insult when it was said about someone. It normally meant they were more dangerous that the basic KKK morons as this person presented a very

Oh, very much so. I grew up in the rural dark, dank, dirty south but was always a treated as a “transplant” because I had lived the first few years of my life in Miami. I remember my first day of kindergarten living in the armpit of the country where Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas run together. An intensely

“News articles from the past five years depicting the plight of the down-and-out Southerner with no recourse but Trump are bullshit. They’re enjoying this. It’s the day they’ve been waiting for.”

When I was about eleven, my mother announced that henceforth she would no longer do my laundry. I would be responsible for my own clothing.. Bit of a problem, though. She gave me no instructions and oh yeah...the building we lived in at the time didn’t have a fucking laundry room. The laundromat was about fours blocks

Remember, honeymoon phases don’t last forever; if you’re both serious about recommitting go to a therapist NOW before you slip into your old couples groove. It’s not because you or he are awful people, it’s just a fact of the human condition that no matter how much we want to change we need to constantly reinforce it.

May everything you once felt was too good to be true be replaced by something infinitely better. May your willingness to fill your own ‘tank’ first lead to the uplift of all in ways you have not begun to imagine. May your self-sacrifice be gently blessed, released, and replaced by the true knowing of your authentic

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Music recs! Get ‘em while they’re hot!

Totally starring that last sentence. It is fucking exhausting having to be the outlet for my husband’s needs because he’s too scared to make friends.

That was a really sad read, life is definitely too short for that crap. You make a really good point about us passive folks. Being passive is still an action, and still holds responsibility. It’s good to be reminded of that.

The only skin they want to see is Melania’s. 

I’ve been rejected A LOT in my life – from schools, jobs, men. But one always sticks out because I didn’t even know I was in a position to be rejected in the first place.

I love the Robert Pattison quote

Back in the ‘90s I spent what I thought was an incredible weekend with a guy I liked a lot. A day or so later he called me to let me know that thanks to the time he’d spent with me, he’d decided to ask his ex-girlfriend to marry him.

Had a crush on a close friend. Asked if he wanted to get romantic. He got weird for a bit, then called in to Savage Love to say he wasn’t attracted to me but was thinking we should just settle for a sexless marriage.

Dan gave the correct response of wtf that’s not what she asked you and obvi she can do better. When I

~13 years ago...