
When my parents were together, they pushed two twins together under a queen headboard, and that worked pretty well for them, at least for the tossing and turning. Didn’t help with the snoring or my father’s infidelity, but ya know.

Whenever my dog is gassy, she seems to want to sleep next to my head. She is also old and crotchety, and will bark indignantly anytime I roll over. It’s one of the joys of an aging pet.

Charles famously told Diana that he didn’t intend to be the only Prince of Wales in centuries not to have mistresses.  That’s the point at which I would have told him to get stuffed and filed for divorce.

One of my post-S4 thoughts was “I wonder if Camilla has noted that while Edward wanted Wallis enough to abdicate, Charles apparently did not want Camilla that bad.”

Yeah they spend the whole last season with Charles going “I want to be free! I am an individual!" and then he married a free individual and suddenly it's "The Crown is all that matters confoooooormmmm"

Assuming the show is accurate, I had sympathy for Charles, until he really seemed to relish in tearing Diana down. He was stuck in a terrible situation and then dragged her into it - and then proceeded to be vindictive in punishing her for a predicament she had no hand in precipitating and the least amount of power to

Their Charles, so humanized in the last season, comes off as cruel, weak, and emotionally immature.

Charles ended up being a faithful philanderer. 

Oh yeah he’s awful, but I guess when you’re raised to do whatever someone else tells you without question, Charles is the result.

I have no idea if this is true, but apparently Camilla and some other ex of Charles’ “picked” Diana for him because they thought she was the type who would stay no matter what if her husband screwed around no matter how obvious it was.

I’m sure Charles and Camilla are both shitty people but they just wanted to be shitty together. I actually find that a touch sympathetic. 

Charles, real and fictional, is such a worthless weenie, oh my god.

Yes, obviously Niles has not actually looked into this, as Dolly has said many times that she loves her husband and it might be that they aren’t up each others asses as to why their marriage has lasted

I don’t know if that’s aimed at Dolly specifically and I myself have not listened to the podcast but I’m getting the vibe that after a half century of being married to someone you do get weary of them because that’s being human. I don’t think she’s implying that she hates her marriage and/or is staying married for

Dean runs an asphalt-paving company, which she probably doesn’t watch him do either.

I appreciate this sentence

I thought the same about all the Cubans who voted for Trump, i.e. people who ostensibly lived under an authoritarian regime and want it back. Is this like Stockholm syndrome? Are some people more comfortable being told what to do occasionally? I just don’t get it.

I literally feel exactly the same. Verbatim. The GOP wants law and order, so let’s give it to them.

I have a very good friend who is also quite ‘blind’ to the effect of the GOP and Trump. We had a talk a few weeks ago about the situation and she was very upset that there was rioting in Democratic cities - and where the hell were the police who should be quelling this sort of behaviour. Then she began speaking

I favor a scorch GOP-earth policy. Let loose the professionals at the DOJ on to each and everyone who was ever a part of the 45* regime. Including sitting US senators like McConnell for the shady dealings that favored his wife’s companies. They ALL need to be prosecuted to the fullest so they know that they should