
Thanks for the reporting. I see some commenters think it’s NBD. The research is a few years old now, but apparently a majority of people feel uncomfortable talking to people with disabilities, and those attitudes come from somewhere. I’ve walked with a cane for years but have no visible impairment, which makes me

The English language is rich with insults - I agree that steering towards some less gendered insults is pretty doable and a good idea.  

I hope this awful bitch I worked with years ago can never find jeans that really work on her, and also that she may have unfettered access to abortion services should she need them.

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Love Enilsa and Rhys but my one true love is Jada:

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Ok, this woman Enilsa Brown has loads of extraction videos on youtube...and she is the best...Puts Sandra Lee and her metal tool to shame. Her techniques are comparatively gentle and she gets all the crud out. She works on the same people over & over so you can see their skin improve. She made me go buy wooden stick

Belligerent dense cabbage complains there is not enough ass licking on ass licking station.

Dump his ass! He sounds like a toddler emotionally. Just think about it this way: you do not have to pick up where his mother left off anymore. You are not his mother, you do not have to teach him how to act maturely, how to treat you as an equal worthy of mutual respect. That is not your job and I hope you look

Just remind yourself of the old joke about the guy who kills his parents, then demands leniency because he’s an orphan.

I would recommend that you wander on over to the website The tag line is “leave a cheater, gain a life.” They have their own language, but he sounds like he checks all the boxes of a classic cheater. You would be the chump in this case. Doing all the work, being asked to make all the sacrifices, somehow

Lady nearing 50 with zero fucks to give anymore, here. You pack your bags, make a plan on where you’re going, hire a lawyer (do this before you announce, according to my friends in the know), then you say, “I’m filing for divorce” and walk out the door. Block him in every possible way.

I’d like to echo the advices about getting a lawyer, get your assets organized, and prepare to enjoy more free time.

You are not unilaterally ending things. Someone that cheats, lies and lets you do most/all of the work has essentially (passively) voted to end things too.

Talk to a lawyer before talking to him; protect yourself and your assets if need be. You’ve said that he doesn’t respect your boundaries, so don’t expect him to expect the financial boundaries either. You may want to set up a separate bank account, if you haven’t already, and have some safe money that he can’t touch,

M guilty pleasure is advice columns, and I read a letter similar to yours this week where the response was “luckily, breaking up doesn’t require a unanimous vote.” You’re not an asshole for putting yourself first and being unwilling to keep picking up the slack for this turd. The fact that he’s realized he doesn’t

I just have to vent a bit about Fox News. I watch a little Fox News here and there, just to try to keep up with their viewpoint. I must admit that my favorite thing to watch is Greg Gutfeld’s show on Saturday nights, because it’s humorous and more light-hearted than the vitriol on the opinion programs.

The last 2 weeks have been totally fucking nuts. 2 weekends ago, Mr Tonight ended up in the hospital for emergency surgery. He was there for 6 days. Almost died a 2nd time b/c turns out he is allergic to a medication they gave him. He came home last Saturday, with a few prescriptions. One of which was for oxy for the

In a heterosexual coupling it’s so strange to me that an entire family structure is built around preserving the go of one person i.e. the male family head.

You have to be smart enough to manage the entire mental load of your household, but not so smart that you earn more than your husband. Competent but still subservient. Smart enough to be desirable but not to the point where you’re a threat to the status quo.

Evangelicals are generally fine with infidelity and love children, just as long as the guilty party confesses their sins and professes to love Jesus even more because of their mistake. There’s actually nothing they love more than a sinner coming back to the fold. And they’ve never really given a damn about it in their

Thank you Lyz, this was a great read