
That was my thought about the blockers as well. I mean if you’re going to do it, you should start at 10 or 11.

Can you explain a bit further on the blockers thing? I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I would give anything to have been able to take blockers before entering puberty. Puberty is what leads to a need for looooooong hours of electrolysis, careful vocal training, and a host of other things that are simply

Just wanted to chime in that there’s nothing to be afraid of - there are ton of good, compassionate, skilled surgeons out there, and new talent coming to the field now that insurance is starting to cover it more.

To say Kathy Rumer has a “reputation” in trans circles would be a bit of an understatement. Like, even the best surgeons will have some complications, mediocre results, disgruntled patients, or whatever else on their track record. But Rumer has more than the rest of the well known surgeons combined, and never in a

This terrifies me, evetything about bottom surgery terrifies me. My daughter is 13 and trans. She’s known since she was 3, at last that was when she first told me she was a girl. She socially transitioned at 11. If we can get the bigoted assclown out maybe things will improve by the time she has bottom surgery.

I’ve won pissing contest a couple times now and I always feel like I should add it to my resume or something. Definitely the highlight of my (otherwise shitty) week!

“I don’t even depict that as racist,” he continued. “I ate Aunt Jemima all my life.”

Ah, the “some of my best breakfasts were black” defense now we've bottomed out with "I can't be racist; I eat black syrup."

Hey kitty cats! What’s shaking? The Bartender and I are having second thoughts about moving to Mexico. Not that San Miguel de Allende would be anything short of fabulous, but mundane reasons like health insurance are giving us pause. Health insurance is quite expensive, covers nothing preexisting, doesn’t cover

My friend is coming over tonight for Korean bbq. I went a little crazy with galbi, spicy chicken, soy braised potatoes, stir fried zucchini, spicy cucumber salad, seasoned bean sprouts, and bread pudding.

Honestly, that’s not really the point here. It’s the freakin double-standard that pisses me off. From a purely and genuinely Christian perspective, pretty damn sure Jesus would have been a lot more disgusted about the sexual assault over the girl getting drunk.

Had the weirdest thought watching this/listening to this....

I would assume a lot of these students are young, from evangelical families and don’t have much say in the matter. 

The problem is that the opposition to abortion you’re talking about is bound up tight with a lot very deep emotions about sexuality and shame - especially for white women who belong to evangelical/traditional white Christian churches, where the theology is driven by terror of eternal damnation. And those churches have

Cheating is fucked up, but extremely common. Open relationships are still regarded as kinky weirdo sex territory by the mainstream rather than an agreed upon, mutually beneficial, healthy arrangement. 

I understand why plantation weddings are bad but it’s so weird to look at the few celebrities who genuinely put their money and time where their mouth is and eviscerate them over something they have already apologized for. Why was the author easier on Katy Perry than Reynolds and Lively? Because you’re used to her

I’m sorry, I’m dying laughing at the thought of a 4:30 pizza rolls and salsa(?!) dinner.

I made bacon avocado tomato sandwiches today with my first two garden tomatoes. I roasted okra from our farmer as a side. So good! My tomato plant is so heavy with fruit a branch of green tomatoes broke off last week, so my husband made really great pickled green tomatoes with them. I’ve never tried them before now