
Paying attention to how they treat others doesn’t always work.

This is true.

I think he was referring what he was told (not told) about Israel during his formative years, or at least that’s the impression I got from reading the article. Doesn’t seem disingenuous or stupid to me to believe what you learn from your parents and religious community as a child, and everyone has a different

Life Hack: Constantly mispronounce “Bagel” in order to quickly identify narcissists who try to correct you.

“Don’t hate the player hate the game” for tech bros.

Thank you so much for your wonderful post.

Jinni, I’m sorry you’re going through this, too.

Years of therapy helped me to label it and then move forward to fix it so our kids wouldn’t end up like this. I am bonus mom to two children of a narcissist as well as a bio mom to my daughter. Their mom is like my parents and it is easier to point it out and

Good for you for breaking the chain! As in your case, my mother’s main concern was how her children were measuring up and impacting her reputation. And it’s still true, today. We have just learned not to internalise her vast disappointment as an accurate reflection of our self-worth. But certainly we did at age eight.

Very much. It only gets harder to control them as they age. But narcissists believe it is for the best because their children aren’t separate beings. So, that leads to more controlling and manipulative behavior over time.

My kid is almost 4.  There is really no “controlling” her.  The few times my parents have spent

Can I still snark on the giant painting that says “...all are safe here” inside the guarded confines of millionaire’s abandoned penthouse apartment during one of the worst socioeconomic struggles in modern history?

Hi, before you totally snark on Hadid’s decor, much of it is an homage to her Palestinian heritage. Quite a bit of that which you see here would you also see in Arab homes.

Fashion thread?

Thanks for an important remembrance, Harron!

I think my cousin took a clear ziploc to his bar exam. Only clear water bottles are allowed, and the labels have to be removed. For the medical step and board exams, there are lockers to keep personal items in. We have to empty our pockets on every entry and exit. Absolutely nothing allowed inside the test room except

10 year high school reunion out in my boonies hometown. Traveled in from another state. Like 15 people showed up. We all got too drunk and decided to go to the local strip club. Not only were people we graduated with working at the strip club, my high school nemesis and his wife invited me to enjoy a lap dance with

This was me except I was obsessed with Jack Kerouac.  At 16 I thought he was a misunderstood genius.  Now I just see him as a jobless drunk and deadbeat dad who lived with his mother.

Teach people who may not read the book or know better about the deep rabbit holes on the Web. We don’t need younger white woman to be ruined like the older ones.

Giving these bigoted ideas too much attention just drives traffic to their channels and exposes more vulnerable young people to radicalization.

I think a book on the subject just came out, and this is an excerpt.

That’s a great point.