
I love that suit and 10/10 would wear if bandeau tops weren’t the devil, but yes that is 100% high cut thigh shit. 

I just posted a NYC rat story too!

Oh fuck no. HORK. 

I stepped on a banana slug barefoot, very very high, and it was one of the worst sensory experiences of my life. A slight give, some resistance, and then a huge pop. BLuuuruurrrghhh

I used to live in NYC, which is probably the intro to 80% of these stories. So: rats were a thing, my building was rent-stabilized and therefore neglected, and I had a ground-floor apartment in Brooklyn. My ex and I went out to see The Revenant and as you all remember, Leo DiCaprio has a TERRIBLE time with nature in

I know it’s been said, but seriously fuck 2020. Fuck it for everyone who has suffered in the pandemic, or from systemic racism and police brutality, or unchecked climate change. And I’d like to personally say fuck you to 2020 for the end of a decade-plus relationship, the loss of another relationship that meant a lot

Oh it’s 100% my own bias, but my taste runs much more towards scruffy men with tattoos and dogs and the ability to do manual labor, so professional headshot-style profile pics in suits tend to be a major turn off. Like, if your profile is 80% coded signifiers of wealth, then we probably have radically different

Did you see the video of the child who was pepper sprayed? Horrifying. Been text fighting with my mom all night about the Seattle protests.
Me: “Property should never be defended with violence, and they were teargassing protestors by mid afternoon”
Her: “But they looted Eileen Fisher!”

Well that is good to know, since I downloaded Hinge this morning, saw waaaaay too many guys in suits for my taste, and noped the fuck out of there. Obviously I made the right call. 

Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for everyone here who has supported me through Pandemic Breakup Bullshit over the last few weeks. After a lifetime of being not a feelings person, I’ve turned into someone who spontaneously emotes my deepest vulnerabilities in every direction and I am so grateful for the love and

Ben Ben is GORGEOUS.

Yeah the grad program thing was...hard. I have a lot of trouble seeing through my compassion for him - he was severely depressed, working on the other side of the country, and I understand that it was a lie of omission that got out of hand. It’s hard to acknowledge those circumstances and still stick up for myself, bu

^^^ yessss

It’s so easy to think that love should be enough, right? With us, there’s been no violence, one-time cheating that I could potentially forgive, and he loves me madly and shows me daily in small ways, so it feels like that love should be enough to carry us through. I feel almost guilty for wanting something as

People can profess all kinds of feelings, but the only tangible thing is how they act.

I like that so much, thank you! I’ll add it to my list of get through this mantras :)

I need to keep telling myself that. I know he loves me intensely, but if he can’t translate that love into effort then I need to remember that that’s not enough. 

Right before they broke up they got a kitten to save the relationship :|

You are kind and Krispy’s kitties are a lifesaver, I love them all. Luckily I don’t have to move, as he never really put down roots in my city so the house is mine and he has an apartment on the other coast. 

The tuna reminds me of when I lived with my bestie in college. We’re still friends to this day, thankfully, but oh boy was it touch and go for a minute. She is the first to admit that she’s pathologically frugal and simultaneously convinced of her own greatness, which resulted in her boldly assembling new dishes out