
So my partner and I had been planning on trying for a kid this year for a while - batting the idea around for the last three years, seriously planning to try this fall/winter for the last year or so, to the point that I went off birth control to improve my odds of conceiving during the relatively narrow window that

I made beet gnocchi with a brown butter sage sauce! And froze a buttload of gnocchi for later. Tomorrow: focaccia.

I went apple picking last weekend, made a pie, and now I’m making applesauce to use up the rest of them also. Also having the burnt carrots from Six Seasons (with feta and bread to make it a meal) and going to make beet ravioli tomorrow. 

yeah fuck that guy.

my pittie is so close to naked she has to wear sweaters for 60% of the year. it never occurred to me to market her as hypoallergenic but she totally is! 

omg he’s 80% legs and 20% puppy eyes. such a fucking cutie pie. 

I have a pit bull-whippet cross and she is definitely not ergonomically sound. We’ve had to have one doggie ACL repaired and the other one is doomed, she walks like a body builder and has a tiny bum and a huge head. As a friend of mine put it, “She has the strange genetics.”

I definitely thought about that, since flirty bartenders are A Thing and it’s a pretty solid approach to a customer-facing job. Hopefully this guy isn’t like that with everyone though, for the bar’s sake, since what kicked off the whole mess was his steadfast refusal to let me pay for drinks ever and an insistence on

Well, I’m currently staring down the prospect of being single for the first time in 11 years in my 30s. Or maybe we’ll pull through and my relationship will recover, but Mr Parade seems determined to push me into ending it. Words of advice/inspirational stories of relationships making it out of a rough patch greatly

Ugh not on the same scale, but I made the gigantic mistake of asking out the cute flirty bartender at my favorite bar, who has a partner but still wants to flirt. I’m currently irritated with both him and myself and avoiding the best bar in a 2 mile radius. 

Marcella Hazan’s butter sauce. It’s idiot proof. 

Agreed. To me, the panic over surrogacy is not too far away from the panic over sex work and abortion rights - controlling a woman’s ability to utilize (or not use) her body as she sees fit. Women work long hours for shit pay in dangerous conditions all over the US (anyone see the NY Times expose on nail salons?), and

I’m in my 30s and although I love a good croptop, my staples are:

My most vivid memory of seeing Titanic in theaters (with my mom chaperoning a gaggle of 11 year old girls, obvs) is when the boat first starts to sink and shit is falling over the place and my mom loudly exclaimed, “Oh no, they’re breaking all of those beautiful dishes!”

Ugh I LOVED that Georgian series! I wish more romances were set then, so much fun with better clothes. 

For our honeymoon, Mr Parade and I spent 5 days in Rome, then rented a car and drove to Abruzzo, where we spent every day hiking, exploring medieval villages, and eating ourselves silly. We then took the ferry from Bari to Croatia, spent a week in Cavtat (beach village ~20 minutes south of Dubrovnik), and then took

I was planning on making a greens and asparagus frittata. Now I might order General Tso’s instead.

Where in your uterus was the fibroid? The rule of thumb is that classical c-sections (with a vertical incision on the uterus rather than horizontal) or any surgery that requires an incision into the uterine cavity increases the risk of rupture so much that you can’t labor. Fibroids can be on the inner lining of the

One of the greatest displays of community spirit I’ve ever witnessed was on the L at rush hour. It was so crowded I could barely get my coffee mug to my face, but there was this woman hauling an obviously miserable six year old child who started to make little retching sounds, and someone else yelled “WE NEED A BAG

I’m making vaguely Caribbean braised oxtail with butterbeans over rice, and since that’s not going to be ready for another few hours I’m making cream of mushroom soup for my dad’s lunch tomorrow to keep myself busy.