
My husband and in-laws spoiled me silly: earrings, a Hermes scarf, an antique bracelet, guerlain lipstick in a mirrored case. I felt completely overdecorated by the end and it was great.

it’s so easy! the recipe is from katchka here in portland, with minor adaptations.

Christmas is 100% an eating holiday with the bonus of presents and intermittent bouts of catholicism. Last year we had cioppino and a ton of champagne on Christmas eve, and cardamon buns in the morning. This year I braised rabbit and mushrooms in cream last night, and made olive oil orange buns for the morning. It’s

I went on an impromptu trip to the coast with my in-laws and had a lapse of self-control at a fish market, so tonight I made a bunch of homemade oil-packed tuna to eat ver the next few weeks.

I sweat when I’m nervous and only own a light gray suit, so I’ve stuck ultra-thin panty liners in my armpits for interviews before. Def the budget approach. 

I freaked out in January when I realized I was 10 lbs heavier than I’d ever been (obvs I don’t weigh myself much) and totally overhauled my life. I’m back to maybe 2 lbs over my prior weight, but with a lot more muscle mass and definition. What worked for me was:

uhhh those are enviable eyebrows. I personally love the contrast between flawless, sharp makeup and natural, slightly unkempt eyebrows. It’s kind of like having your freckles show through your foundation, or wearing orange lipstick with an otherwise bare face (guilty). 

4. I obviously have no self-control with menu planning, but a goose is smaller than a turkey and actually has flavor, so it’s not a completely unreasonable decision. 

I developed it by trial-and-error, but I’m sure someone somewhere has written something similar down! You basically replace the condensed milk in a traditional pie with coconut milk. You know how good coconut milk separates? I use the thick cream on top, and then make up any difference in volume with the coconut

I’m slow roasting a goose!

Good news about the implant: the implant, the depo-provera shot, and hormonal IUDs are all progestin-only, which is not shown to increase the risk of blood clots the way combined estrogen-progestin contraceptives like the typical birth control pill do. Also, chain smoking dramatically increases your risk of blood

Oh no, that’s awful! I’m so sorry you went through that, my partner had some nerve damage due to an elbow injury and it can be really scary, especially since it’s usually a slow recovery.

Future OB/GYN here! The implant is super popular, for a number of reasons: insertion is pretty easy, they last 3+ years, and are literally the most effective birth control on the market. Downsides would be that some people are squicked out by being able to feel the implant, you do have to get it removed (with

Shishitos are my fav! I will legit just sear up a huge pan of them for lunch when I’m on my own. 

I make my own healthy oatmeal packets (with flaxseed, milk powder, lots of nuts and no sugar) and take them to work with me - cheap and healthy! I also faced facts and stopped buying junky granola bars, because I end up eating them daily and it’s worth paying $2-3 per bar for something that’s not 90% corn syrup.

omg just full on laying down in water is such a golden thing to do. 

I’m making a very simple lentil soup for dinner (black lentils, tiny cubes of zucchini and carrot, red wine, whole garlic cloves, a parmesan rind), but I went to the grocery store starving after a crazy workout and ended up having a moderately decadent mid-afternoon snack of thick-cut potato chips dipped in sour

My favorites are Siela’s Delphi, DS & Durga’s Poppy Rouge, and Olo’s Tulare.

my hooded eyes are very frustrating and to this day i have no idea how eye shadow works because of them.

Not only is he incredibly fine, but as an Mexican-Arab-American he is the worst nightmare for all those dingy old racists who are selfish in bed, vote against reproductive rights, and worry about the growing popularity of mixed-race babies.