
yeah, even though I know 32 isn’t that late, I think my husband and I both has this oh shit moment where we realized that our parents are old and won’t be around forever - his are in their 70s (he’s 35), and my mom is completely occupied with taking care of my dad. I desperately want my dad around for my kids and I

Same. My mom’s life is now mostly taking care of my father, because he’s 81 and frail, even though she’s an extremely vigorous 60. 

My dad is 20 years older than my mom, and they had me fairly late - 32 and 52. It sucks, and has been a huge motivator in my decision to have kids sooner rather than later. Granted, I’ll still be in my early 30s if all goes according to plan, but I know a lot of people waiting even longer.

I don’t know what got into me! I just thought, hmm he’s a cutie, there’s been a lot of eye contact, as far as I know he’s single, why not go for it?! I am shocked at how not-awful I feel about being rejected. And you’re right, because not only is he slightly too young for me, but I guess now I have no excuse not to

that’s so badass, good for you!

omg that is the harrison ford of small dogs. 

I think the fresh dill adds a lot, but I also really love dill.

I’m visiting my parents this weekend, and nothing tempts my increasingly frail father to eat like heavy, out-of-style french food, so I’m making a seasonally inappropriate blanquette de veau, with wine-poached apricots for dessert. But if I wasn’t cooking for them, I’d be making a burrata-based salad or a weird

right? talk about burying the lede...

Oregon: Cape Falcon (beautiful day hike), either Breitenbush (a hippie spa type hotspring) or Umpqua hotsprings, visit Seaside on the coast, eat all the food in Portland

There is a difference between the act of head covering as a religious symbol vs. the head covering itself. Some styles of head covering are irrevocably associated with a given culture or religion (see, this style of hijab or a tignon); however, there are only so many ways to skin a cat. If it is the act of covering

I think that because it is unusual for a white woman to cover her hair completely for non-religious reasons, there just aren’t a lot of neutral options. It’s too bad turbans don’t work for you :(

That is the worst Trader Joe’s in the world.

Cooking classes are so much fun! Also a lot of farmer’s markets and CSAs will have a newsletter with recipes for what’s in season now that are usually beginner-friendly and super good.

When I lived alone, I would meal prep stuff that was easily frozen (or components of meals that could be frozen, like cooked & seasoned lentils, or pre-chopped veggies for a stir fry) and then store it in 2 serving packs. It makes pulling something together way faster, and then you aren’t eating the same thing for a

It’s a bold move, but sign up for a CSA in your area if it’s available and you are able to afford the upfront payment. Having a ton of veggies around, many of which I’d never cooked with before, shifted my diet over to primarily plant-based really fast just because I needed to use them all up! Plus, having already

I agree with the caveat that I’ve had some friends who had really shit birth families change their names just to symbolically distance themselves. Otherwise, sorry dudes, not feminist, which is okay because not everything has to be feminist but I will side eye a tiny bit.

We just got a wedding invitation addressed to “Mr and Mrs Husband Husbandmiddlename Husbandlastname” and I am SO SALTY about it. How come he gets ALL his names and I don’t get any? I call bullshit.

There was absolutely no way in hell I was taking my husband’s name, and he just assumed I would keep my own so it was never an issue between us. The way I see it, my identity did not change more than his when we got married, so why would I change my name while he kept his own? I’ve had some friends both change their

I made steamed artichokes with lemon-mustard-anchovy butter for dipping and bread with fresh sheep’s cheese on the side, and then I learned my pit loves artichokes with a fervor she usually only displays for bacon.