
fritters! when my CSA got out of control with collars and kale I would always make fritters: chiffonade the greens, flour + egg + spices to taste, fry until browned, serve with herby yogurt.


I’ve survived two weeks of a surgical rotation where everyone is an asshole, I’m at the hospital 5 am - 8 pm, and I’ve lost 4 pounds because I never have a chance to eat. Two weeks to go...

Try “Tranquil Sleep,” Melatonin is hit or miss with my insomnia and the fact that I’m an insanely light sleeper, but those have a 5-HT and suntheanine, and for some reason they just knock me the fuck out. They’re cheapish on Amazon and really do work

I had two cats in a NYC apartment and we used a covered litter box with a litter-trapping mat. If you are the kind of person who is willing to scoop every day (and your cat isn’t an asshole who pees sideways) get an open box so it’s less of a hassle; we scoop every ~3 days and have a covered box because my cat is a

I grew up in the PNW and NO ONE wore shoes in another person’s house. The muck! The mud! Unthinkable! And then I made the mistake of marrying a European who views taking shoes off inside as unforgivably casual and I’ve spent the last decade yelling at him to take his fucking shoes off.

I always thought it was an age thing - teenage anchovyparade liked skinny hairless boys with lots of emotions, 30s anchovyparade just wants a hairy chest and grumpy disposition.

My mom is like that. When I first started experimenting with makeup in high school, she took one look at my red lipstick and said, “I think it’s disgusting how women feel like they need to paint their mouths to look like vaginas.” It took me a decade to work up the confidence to wear lipstick again.

Are you fairly thin? If you are, it’s probably totally normal! If you’re really freaked out, feel around and try to estimate the width of the pulsation - we don’t worry about aortic aneurysms until its >5 cm. The abdominal aorta is a pretty big vessel so it’s not weird to feel a strong pulse in it.

Are you fairly thin? If so, it’s totally normal to feel your abdominal aorta through your abdominal wall! If you’re worried, try to feel the width of the pulsations - an aneurysm would be worrying at >5 cm, but your aorta is a big vessel so smaller than that is okay.

oh my god that looks amazing. i always get sick of sweets this time of year and that sounds like the perfect antidote.

In the comments on Ariana’s ig:

My partner and I have been together for almost 9 years, married for 3.5. Three months after we got married, I moved to a city ~2 hours away for a post-bacc program and only saw him on the weekends; I was miserably lonely because I had no friends in the new city, but we got through it just fine. We lived together for

omg that resigned-to-cuddling-the-cat face is too precious, mine makes the exact same expression when our cat snuggles up to him.

Yay cattle dogs are the best! Mine is the most velcro dog of all time but he’s so smart and so expressive and basically more fulfilling than 90% of human relationships.

I totally agree! Health does not equal effeminate. Also I think it’s sort of bullshit to be hawking this nostalgic Americana throwback to shitty 50s food, of all things. My grandmother was a crap cook, and it’s because she relied on processed mixes and canned soup and everything was artificially emulsified. When my

I find her whole-hearted embrace of very firm gender roles and faux-down home values shtick deeply creepy. Her lifestyle is held up as aspirational and it encompasses a lot of things completely antithetical to my own values: gender inequality, casual racism, conspicuous and excessive consumption, driving two miles

When I was working in a lab, I had one of my boss’s collaborators hit on me incessantly and made sexual comments. It always happened technically off the clock (at the millions of dinners and drinks and what have you that happen at conferences) so I didn’t feel like it was wildly inappropriate enough for me to say

Don’t feel ashamed of starting late! I have had multiple educators at my school tell me that older/non-traditional students tend to handle the rigor of medical school better because we’ve worked jobs and had life experience outside of college. I’ve also had attendings say that they appreciate the perspective and

All of my friends in medical school are on the older/non-traditional end of the spectrum (28-38), and the ones with the happiest family lives are the ones who had kids before going to medical school. All of my single friends and panicking over how they’ll ever meet someone in medical school and all of my childless