
oh god seeing one of my dogs get hit by a car is one of my worst nightmares. i have a cat-chasing heeler and a pittie with crap recall and i worry about it all the time. i’m so glad your pup is gonna be okay! and fuck the person who didn’t stop, what a garbage human.

So, my theory is that the reason honeymoons are so popular is because by the time you manage to pull off a wedding you just want everyone out of your hair so you can be alone with your new spouse goddammit. If you’re like me, you’ll have spent the week or so leading up hosting various family members and in-laws and

What cute yoda ears! I have a friend with a very cute mutt and whenever someone asks what breed Penno is he answers, “North American Brown Dog.” Obviously Dubai Desert Derp Dog has a bit more cache...

omg those derpy faces!!! i make my heeler wear a backpack to help with the groceries sometimes and he is much grumpier about it.

Oh no, I’m so sorry! What a spunky little thing, you just see her personality jumping out of those photos.

lmfao “Taysom”

That sounds wonderful! Miso paste makes everything better...

Bulk is so much cheaper! I’m lucky to live next to a food co-op that has great bulk food, and I’ve now gone full hippie and bring my own reusable containers to the store.

Ooohh! Quick oats work too and aren’t too expensive! I make oatmeal packets because I’m super weird. I do a really similar recipe with 1/3 cup quick oats, flax seed, 1 tb milk powder (or coconut milk powder if you’re vegan), 1 tb cocoa nibs, chopped hazelnuts, and a pinch of cinnamon and sugar. I make individual

I think of my default dinner plan as “Will it Soup?” Saute a chopped onion, add chopped whatever-veg-looked best, add liquid and simmer until soft, blend, garnish. Tonight was carrot with ginger thrown in with the onion, simmered in coconut milk and curry paste, topped with cilantro and green onion. Zucchini simmered

Sounds like my red heeler. Little shit thinks he knows better than me 99% of the time, and is smart enough that he shuts the cabinet behind him when he’s been eating out of the trash.

I don’t think that’s an accurate take. at least for me, it’s not about disappointing the people we were married in front of (frankly my mom would be thrilled if we broke up, because she’s a jerk), but more that a marriage is formal symbol of commitment. i see it as the same as the logic behind why i sign up for

I agree that there needs to be more status, privileges, and protection accorded to people in committed relationships who aren’t married, especially now that the majority of american babies are born outside of marriage. It’s completely screwed up that failure to participate in a social institution of diminishing

I agree - suddenly breaking up became Not An Option, barring extreme circumstances. Not that we weren’t committed before, it’s more that I realized after we got married that we both started taking it for granted that we would work through anything, no matter how unpleasant.

So, my (married) take is: I completely understand the argument that marriage is just a formality, and I agree that it changes very little in your relationship if you are truly committed to each other to begin with. I think historically, it was a repugnant patriarchal institution, and I think taking your husband’s name

I’m deeply ashamed of how attractive I find Diplo. That is all.

Foxiest part of GOT and I will fight anyone who disagrees.

When I first started to think OB might be for me, multiple people tried to warn me off it, saying that OBs are “too intense” or that I’d get “eaten alive for being too nice.” It really freaked me out because these were all otherwise reasonable people, but then I got to med school and realized that a) being “nice” will

The orthopedic surgery comment makes me suspect we have a bro on our hands. If he’s allowed to perpetuate the stereotype that OB/GYNs are bitchy (weird, a female dominated speciality full of assertive, decisive women is derided as bitchy and mean?!?) then we get to make jokes about jocktastic ortho bros.

That’s funny, my experience has been the opposite! My school has a L&D elective taught by the family med department, and all of the residents said they went into family med because they got to deliver babies and then keeping taking care of them afterwards. Granted, they were probably a self-selecting bunch, but there