
Non-synthetic yarn is always surprisingly expensive. I’ve been knitting this damn sweater for a year now:

So in the future, they’ve engineered button-down shirts not to have titty-gap? Sign me up!

Related: I like Kristen Stewart. Twilight was a laughably bad movie, but I feel like she gets a disproportionate amount of flack for terrible acting in a terrible movie. No one else did better but she still gets all the hate. I like her style, she’s bi (like me!), and she’s done great in other films. So there.

I’m 26 and bisexual, and if I were theoretically on the market, my age range is “my age or very slightly younger” to maybe 40? I like older men in general, women around my age, hard pass on anyone under 25.

It really doesn’t need them. I find a normal yogurt works best because the whey thins out the soup, but if it’s too thick I just add more lemon and a bit of water to the blender or pour in extra whey off the top of the yogurt.

I spent all summer making the best cold beet soup: steamed beets, blended with yogurt, lemon juice, chopped dill, and salt. It’s electric pink and one of the single most delicious things I’ve ever tasted.

Ugh steak salads are sooooo good. I started making them because it’s a way to get Mr Parade to be less french and stop demanding tons of carbs and dairy at every meal, but now they’re such a staple he even learned how to make them himself. I totally am going to mix it up with your version! I do steak marinated in soy

I have two but the second one is admittedly a tiny bit decadent.

You guys, I know I’m late to the party but I just had the scariest experience. I adore my mini panther, but she basically embodies the saying “Curiosity killed the cat” and tonight she got REALLY CLOSE to making that literal. My mil gave us a bottle of champagne in a little paper bag with those twisted paper handles,

My husband is half-French and bilingual, and a huge regret of his oat-sowing days was that he doesn’t have an french accent. He’s convinced if he’d just lived in Europe a little longer American girls would have swarmed all over him due to zee français. He’s a dork.

My rescue pit has to be muzzled at the vet :-( She’s a sweetie and a half but so terrified of the vet and it’s gotten worse since she had her CCL repaired. She shakes and cowers and snaps out of fear when the vet gets too close to her. I love the vet we have now though because they don’t treat her like she’s a bad

I know some Mormons who say “Holey Buckets!” as a swear word. Instead of holy fuck, I guess? It’s really goofy.

My husband is almost six years older than me and we got together when I was 19. It’s not a big deal at all once you get out of college, but I think the transition from college to working etc. can be a little weird, just because you’re in different phases of your life. We got through it with a minimum of fuss but I

Portland is really gorgeous and fun. Laid back, great food culture, lots of outdoor stuff to do close to the city. It’s a bit homogenous, but I really liked living there. The only caveat is that I lived there for five years and ended up moving away in 2012 because the job market was so terrible. Hopefully it’s better

My mom would go through the trash, take my journal from under the mattress, etc., and then say it was my fault she found out because I was “careless.” Completely paranoia inducing.

Laughing my ass off at “the Poldark effect.” So true.

I’m starting to suspect my heeler does bad things and blames them on the pittie. I know for a fact she can’t open cabinets and the heeler can, yet I came home to him asleep on the couch, greasy and acting innocent, while she was caught red handed in a pile of pilfered trash.

I’ve got an obnoxiously clever heeler and a remarkably stupid pit mutt. Heeler can open cabinets to get into the trash and knows to close them after. Pit mutt has been surprised by parked cars. Heeler knows multiple family members by name. Pit mutt walked into a door the other day. Heeler pulls the whole, “Timmy fell