
Recommendations for things to do in Montreal in August, go!

Oooh! I like this game! Mine were probably a 1960s shift dress trimmed with crystals in a daisy pattern ($18), a vintage raccoon swing coat ($25), and an avocado green leather handbag that I carried until it disintegrated ($7).

Men and women both. I’m 5’10” and have never had a problem dating guys shorter than me - most of my exs are in the 5’7”-5’9” range. My first boyfriend ever said I looked “like a drag queen” when I wore high heels. I’ve had very petite co-workers express SHOCK and DISMAY that I was willing to date guys under 6’ because

Right? There’s a tortilla factory not too far from my place in Brooklyn, and every time I walk past it I get slower...and slower...and then basically stand there like an idiot engulfed in warm, fresh, delicious tortilla sent. Would wear as perfume, 10/10.

Right? I was like, “Cool, I get a Hawaiian beach cottage and a hot bedmate if I eat low-calorie Chobani? Sign me up!” except I would rather not be gay-married because I’m already bi-married to someone else. But still: vacation is the time to eat dairy in bed, amirite?

He has the most glorious nose.

I have a rent-controlled apartment in a not-yet-cool part of Williamsburg. It’s (technically) a two bedroom, although both the bedrooms are tinytinytiny, and we pay $1700/month. The market average for a two-bedroom in our neighborhood is about $2500/month. They will pry my rent controlled apartment out my cold dead

There was an all ages club in my hometown that would let you in if you told them a birthday that made you over 16. I went once and lied about my age and they had a truly revolting foam room where men a decade older than me would do pincher attacks out of huge drifts of foam to simultaneously grind on both your front

I’m from Seattle and it’s considered the mark of a native to let your lawn go completely crispy all summer. Watering your lawn and washing your car are things that environmentally ignorant out of staters who are too impatient to wait for the damn rain do.

I just bought some and think it smells gross too. I like it because it’s widely available, but I’m not into the fake smell at all.

I just bought some and think it smells gross too. I like it because it’s widely available, but I’m not into the fake

Faustian bargain, Durstian nightmare. I think he sold his fashion sense for fame.

It’s really helpful. Apparently the founder used to be a terrible cook, and he approached it with the goal of making it so that people with absolutely no experience can pick up a recipe and work through it, and come out the other end with reproducible results and an understanding of why it worked.

Cooks Illustrated is a great resource for learning to cook! I have the giant Best Recipes cookbook, which is totally worth it, but they also have a pay-access online subscription that is awesome. I love it because they have a recipe for pretty much every dish every (although it’s not the place if you want to learn

This is probably the most boring SNS question ever, but: Does anyone have favorite home organizing/budget design blogs? Or just general closet tips?

In high school, I once went on vacation with my boyfriend’s family to hawaii. His dad is kind of authoritarian, not in the christian sense but in the, “I can buy your entire existence so what I say goes” kind of way. He decided that we would spend a day driving around Maui, so 6-8 hours in the car, with me sandwiched

Port wine cheese is so revolting. That must have been an extremely magenta and orange experience.

My family has a cabin on an island that is only accessible by boat, so we have a boston whaler. One time my mom was seated on the edge, my dad revved it up a little too much, and she feel off into the nasty marina. No one noticed until we were across the bay and the golden retriever started flipping out trying to jump

My husband once turned to me and said in all seriousness, “You know, I just thought that pants would keep getting bigger for ever...”

My neighbors have a dignified, somewhat elderly dog named Randall. I die.