
We have an incredibly timid, 7 pound cat named Murder and an obnoxious one named Crow the Tiger-Panther that we found in the trash. Cat naming is fun.

I am not a fan of this hair color. It makes her look

I want that cactus outfit for my disagreeable heeler.

I still have Esmerelda barbie somewhere...

Once when I was a kid the VCR stopped working and when my mom took it apart we found ALL the barbie shoes. My sister was a pain in the ass.

My favorite “Women don’t poop” story was a coworker who kept a pair of “poop shoes” in her desk drawer. Every time she needed to poop, she would changes shoes so that if someone saw her feet under the stall they wouldn’t be able to identify her later.

I’ve mentioned this before on here, but the last time I was miserable with cramps, I asked Mr Parade to get me tampons and he came back with 1. The correct brand 2. The correct size 3. Ice cream 4. Port, which he warmed with mulling spices and served alongside the ice cream. Best part: his response to my surprise was

A variety of tampons/pads/etc. My mom is old school and uses only GIANT pads or the applicator-less OB tampons, and while I prefer those now, when I got period they were really hard to deal with. My sister felt the same way and was ridiculous grateful when I got her the super plasticky Tampax pearls. Maybe with a note

Muddle it with cucumbers, mint, and add a mint simple syrup!

I loooooove softboiled eggs and feel goofy about it because it’s such kid food, but man they are the shit. And accidentally overcooking them is totally tragic. My french mil does soft boiled eggs with toast soldiers that have either lots of butter+a thin slice of ham or with pate. So good.

Bookmarking for the next time I need a good cry, thanks!

No! Is it at all similar to Ferdinand the Bull? Because that also makes me cry. I am a sodden mess.

Oh my god. I am so happy for them! So much bigotry getting in their way and now they’re married and now I’m starting to get teary. I hope no one ever invites me to such a wedding because I will completely embarrass myself.

People keep telling me to go see that, and I’m like, “WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO CRY IN PUBLIC.” I cried at the TRAILER for Mari and Her Three Puppies, dog fighting is so far beyond what I can handle, especially since I have a rescue pittie.

I’m the same way. I’ve had to turn off movies because I was too worried about the dogs. I’m still upset about the golden retriever from The Bourne Identity. I’ve cried just relating the plot of Homeward Bound.

Stories about elderly gay couples finally being able to marry result in me crying about 97% of the time, topped only by heroic dog stories (98.5% chance of crying).

Most traditionally cute briefs/granny panties are NOT empowering for my butt. I feel like they cut across the cheeks weirdly and then I get the dreaded quadrabutt and am disempowered by the need to pull at it all day. I like thongs and (shudder) “cheekies” for maximum butt cheek freedom.

Right? The bike lanes mysteriously stop and the No Pants signs appear....

That second video is amazing.

Dermatology is also really competitive because, like surgery, you get to work traditional hours and it is highly paid, plus dermatologists rarely kill people so malpractice suits are less of an issue. You’re spot on about what specialities are most needed, but there’s definitely a mentality of, “Well, I spent all this