
A friend taught a (boy) named Beau Peep. BEAU PEEP. I can't decide if it's brilliant or horrible.

Powell's is awesome if you like to read, especially if it's drizzly. Best. Bookstore. Ever.

I totally thought that they were Thomas Pynchon's invention. Now I'm stoked to find out Thurn und Taxis exists and really bummed that they produced someone so unpleasant.

Bring fresh fruit if you're not flying to/from Hawaii! Airport food tends to be expensive and heavily packaged, so some fresh berries or grapes are my go-to snack. My frenchie mother in law goes all out and packs butter stuffed radishes, grapes, sliced cheese and crackers, etc., but you don't have to go crazy, just

Are you me? I'm 26, just started med school, happily married and considering when to start trying for a baby, and people are acting like I'm insane. The ones who've been giving me the most pushback are the ones who are at a completely different phase in their lives, feminist or no. It is weird to have people act like

City skin is totally a thing! I moved to NYC from Seattle, which is big but not very polluted, and experienced all the problems you mention. I got a knock-off Clarisonic and use it very night, which helps a ton, and just generally wash my face a lot, with really gentle cleansers. I use water and gentle cleanser in the

I haven't double-checked the stats, but my sister said at Mt Holyoke it's 2 in 5.

You do the work of the gods. I think I would be less bitter if I'd had better support as an undergrad for future applications - there was an awful lot of, "Of course you'll get in! We're BlahBlah College, the notoriously rigorous!" Yeah. No. Not how it worked. I freely admit to the complicating factors of 1) Going

I think my problem might have to do with the fact that I'm in medical school, and most med schools get So Fucking Many applicants that all of the initial screening is via algorithm - where is your undergrad school in the ranking, where is your GPA in the ranking, etc etc. My writing samples are awesome but that

Mine teaches there! And my other sister goes to Mt Holyoke. I think it's really cool how international the women's colleges are - maybe because they're perceived as safer for girls studying in the US alone? She has friends from all over, it's awesome.

The worst part is, I completely agree with you about the awesome education you can get at a small liberal arts school, but I've come to realize that even though it's bullshit, things like name recognition and how your stats feed into an algorithm is SO important these days. I went to a rigorous, intellectual,

The idea that only women who have had children should get an IUD is pretty outdated - as far as I can tell, the difference in pain for a "once dilated, now closed" cervis and a "always closed" cervix is pretty minimal. I think that mindset might have arisen from the idea that you should be ~done~ having kids when you

Mirena is approved for 7 years of use in Europe! Depending on your doc they'll probably give you the all-clear to leave it in for another two. I just had the exact same freak out and was stoked to not have to worry about it for two more years.

The hanxiety is real. Everyone close to me knows to keep accessible snacks on hand.

Not gonna lie, I dig pirate teeth. All for it.

I have a ton of tattoos, and it's not really hard to end up with a reasonably original design. You have to be actively lazy to end up with something that cheesy looking. It's like, you went to the tattoo parlor, made an appointment, and sat under a needle for an hour for a permanent design, but you couldn't spare the

How has she not gotten these covered up yet? Please never come back, horrible 90s tattoos.

She is enchanting. I love her futuristic-bondage-sylph-warrior vibe. I love her clothes. I love her jewelry. She looks incredible in that and it does look like it was made for her.

We had a joint one that mostly consisted of going to the river and barbequeing, then hitting a bunch of PDX strip clubs with our friends. The idea of having separate parties got tossed out the window when we realized we'd probably run into each other at least once since we like to do all the same things, because we're