
Aww man, I grew up in the PNW and have been on the east coast for three years, and I miss my beloved damp chill. I am all about my beloved Seattle outfit of rain boots, wool socks, shorts, and a giant wool sweater. Here the dry cold sucks all the moisture out of my skin, forces me to deal with the wretched substance

I think it's actually high contrast designs? But doesn't matter, I'm still loling at "Babies: Possibly Similar to Cats."

That's so rude that it's kind of awesome.

How does she glow like this?!? She's so beautiful her skin is luminescent? I refuse to believe it's anything as mundane as just rolling around in highlighter.

This actually made me laugh-cry into my chickpeas.

...and 80% of it is kind of greasy rice. All of my coworkers love Chipotle and it just makes me want to take a nap, immediately.

I love Julia and Jacques Cook at Home because she's ALWAYS reaching over his shoulder to dump more salt into things, and every episode ends with them splitting a bottle of wine. I want that life.

Man, I have a hard time being peppy at a job I actually like, let alone one I dislike. I feel for you.

I wasn't 100% sure I was bi until I was maybe 20? I'd always been hippie-fluid, in that I made out with all my best girl friends and was always very physical, I just had never thought about it much since I was always dating a guy. My two best friends were a lesbian couple too so I guess I had always assumed that if I

That place is very, very close to the Platonic ideal of a used bookstore. Giant piles of books everywhere: check. Disinterested cat: check. Staffed by eccentrics: check. If only it was slightly more labyrinthine for optimal getting lost in the stacks...

On 40th and Locust? Because, yes, then we have :-)

There's a bookstore near me that stays open as late as the eccentric owner feels like staying, so I actually have gone in and browsed tipsy at one am. It's awesome and has a shop cat.

"You mean someone made the animatronic reindeer in the neighbor's yard hump AGAIN?!?! Shocking! I had no idea! Who could have done such a thing???"

I agree. I mean, I guess maybe it was hard to find someone suitable-ish to play Christian Grey, but could they really not find someone willing to express something other than vehement disgust about BDSM to play the lead in a movie about BDSM? Light core kink is just not that weird, and Dornan just goes on and on about

Yeah, I get that 10o Years of Solitude is a kid book, in that it's dreamy and a good entry point into literature that wasn't assigned by your high school english teacher, so many people read it as dreamy romantic teenagers, but is anyone really going to argue that Gabriel Garcia Marquez is not the shit? Because he is,

That blog is the whitest thing I have ever encountered in my entire life.

That's so awesome! I'm vicariously very excited for you. If you like to cook, they're so, so much fun and you end up eating so well. Our grocery bills were the lowest they've been in ages when we had a CSA, because we were eating way less meat and dairy, like I said before, but also because I was building complete,

Good luck on the CSA - I saved up and got one for the first time last year and we saved so much money in the long run. We're still eating pickles & preserves I put up last summer, and having such an abundance of veggies meant we ate a lot less meat, AND it still worked out to slightly less than what we were spending

So jealous. I moved from the West Coast to the Northeast and affordable, accessible, good quality seafood is one of the things I miss most.

I have some friends who do that and I am SO JEALOUS of their chest freezer full of awesome free range heritage beef. I wish I didn't have a tiny NY apartment with a tiny freezer...