
Mr Parade's family is Catholic-ish, and something that's been working for me is picking a saint that represents something meaningful to the person and loading up on paraphernalia. There's a saint for absolutely everything, so Mr Parade (who loves to travel) has a St Christopher medallion, since he protects travelers

Aww man I throw chicken livers into pasta all the time. I add minced livers to bolognese sauce for added depth, because the more meats the better, and here's a straight-up chicken liver ragu:

My MIL is French and they've lived all over, so they're pretty food-oriented and adventurous. It was actually kind of the opposite when we got married - my MIL was like, "Now, I finally don't have to worry about Mr. Parade being forced to eat fast food, or worse: becoming vegetarian!" Apparently the veg thing was a

I was cooking for the in laws so I got fancy: porcini pasta with a mushroom and chicken liver sauce, and a rainbow chard salad with roasted pears.

It looks like second-round dog vomit. You know, when they throw up and then eat it and then throw it up again?

I freely admit that I am terrible at romance, but so far my favorite part of being married is getting to sidle up to him and say, "hey baby...wanna have marital relations *eyebrow waggle*?"

The whole emphasis on saving everything for marriage weirds me out, because it eclipses the fact that a (probably lovely) couple is getting married with the fact that EVERYONE is thinking about sex. LET THE SEX AND FRONT-HUGGING COMMENCE.

I definitely had to demonstrate a side hug to my husband this weekend. He was not amused.

It was really sweet. I don't really like to be the center of attention, so something really private in a beautiful spot meant a lot to me. We ended up including the dogs in the wedding too, we're totally those people.

We'd talked about it on and off, and I had a vague idea it was coming - his mother is the least subtle person on the planet and demanded to know my ring size so she could "add it to the cards she keeps of the whole family" (?), tried to camouflage it by hastily asking my shoe size (??), and then brandished some

A friend of mine did something similar by passing out in a full penguin costume on the dorm futon, then sadly, with a hangover, shuffling back to his own dorm the next morning with his flippers on. I saw them stuffed in a trashcan halfway across campus a few hours later.

I've always been a fan of this one:

I love momofuku's desserts! They tend to be very, very sweet but the flavors are exciting. I'm a huge fan of the chocolate chip-marshmallow-cornflake cookies, and since I've made them at home they're totally worth the price since they are a pain to make. I say go for it!

Good luck! In my experience, the heeler tends to dominate, personality wise - mine's ~75% heeler physically and 100% neurotic, workaholic control freak. Totally perfect for driving cattle, less cool in the city. They need jobs to do and can be exhausting, but the pay off is a really smart, lively dog, especially with

I'm gluing bees to bobby pins and putting them in my hair in a beehive, have a photo-realistic bee print dress and bee temporary tattoos, and honeycomb earrings. And gold glitter, because dancing.

I have a heeler and they definitely tend to towards intense. Mine has a huge Napolean complex where he will.not.back.down., even when the other dog is 80+ pounds and way tougher. When we got our second dog, it took a long, long time for the heeler to be totally comfortable - probably 2 months for her to be "allowed"

I'm going as a swarm of bees and dancing my ass off.

Aww man this is my worst fear. When I lived in Portland, OR there was a homeless man who had the sweetest, most loving pit bull mix - so sweet that it was a running joke that this guy would say, "Now, don't intimidate" to his dog whenever someone got close because the dog was usually in a sweater & showing his belly.

Yay outdoor dining with the dog feels so civilized, you know? In my experience, a lot of semi-outdoor beer garden type places and breweries tend to be okay with dogs, and in NYC I've had good luck with divey punk bars.

Good luck with everything, it can really wear you down. When my pittie was chewing and having huge

Bonus: good tricks get you free drinks at dog friendly bars.