
"She was a horrible puppy" haha so true sometimes. Honestly, puppies are cute but with both my dogs I'm all, "THANK GOD YOU ARE ADULT NOW." Rampant chewing is the worst and potty training is the second worst.

It's easier with cats, especially timid ones. I've definitely gotten away with passing off four cats as one because the two that were active looked alike, and you could definitely hide one cat as long as your landlord doesn't come into your place often. If s/he does, it's harder because of the cat smell, but

So I have an australian cattle dog which tend to be high energy, disgustingly athletic, paranoid control freaks, and I live in an apartment. He still goes on alert at some things (the doorbell, other dogs walking past our window, etc) but a firm "Sit" and holding his muzzle shut gently taught him that he can quietly

Ooooh, we're tied: Walking Dead, toast, and knitting with my cat. And the knitting is a sweater for my dog, so thrilling because I learned intarsia to knit a dog sweater.

My red heeler is fine with other animals (indifferent, but calm) but inanimate things with jaw-like aspects? Oh hell no. Clapping the mouth of the tea kettle at him will have him hiding under the table snarling. If you make a mouth out of your hands and snap it at him, he will bark and look betrayed. My husband

I have a 1920s ring that was my husband's great-grandmother's. I love it because there is no HUGE EXPENSIVE DIAMOND, but instead a medium-sized central one and lots of tiny ones sitting in very delicate silver filigree. I feel like it has a lot more artistry than a huge rock on a plain band, and it's so shiny AND


I vote you follow this brilliant woman's train of thought (it lights up!):

We did too! Afternoon reception, sex, nap, dive bar, sex, room service and public access documentaries. A+.

Don't worry, I laugh at myself. It's just so...urgent, yet subtle, like a full bladder, I guess.

Mr Parade likes to drive to deepchord because he says the repetition helps him focus. Unfortunately, minimal techno makes me have to pee so it doesn't always work out that awesome.


That is so true! My cattle dog is very meh about all humans outside the pack and most dogs, and expresses it in an attitude best described as "grumpy old man." He doesn't like to be sniffed, doesn't like to play, and just doesn't want to socialize with anyone except his humans and his pittie sister.

my husband's west coast stoner verbal tic is to use "but..." and "fucking...." as filler, sometimes together, as in, "blah blah blah, but uhhhh fucking...." which leads to me yelling "ENOUGH WITH THE BUTTFUCKING" fairly often.

...if I was famous, do you think I could just get non-faux bone marrow? Because that shit fucking rules.

I baked my first loaf of yeast bread today! It's far from perfect, but it's challah, it rose! Twice! And now it is a little too yeasty, but delicious and tender. Does anyone have any bread making tips or blogs they like, especially using a stand mixer?

Haha it's been my at-work staple. Not going over to well since everyone else listens to Top 40 and the Pandora Latin work-out station, but sometimes you just need moody, droning guitar to keep going, right?

Those are two of the best movies I've seen recently. I love the soundtrack to Only Lovers Left Alive, and Snowpiercer was just fantastically brutal. Good taste all around!

Go to Martinique! It's a more intellectual vacation spot (lots of history, architecture, etc) and has a higher standard of living and more cultural activities than some of the other islands, and it's beautiful. Definitely more to do than lay on the beach.

Oooh! I have a good one! I used to work in a lab where the only person who made any attempt to talk to me was both socially awkward and besotted. There was a lot of garden-variety, low-grade creepy stuff going on (putting chocolate in my purse when I left it out, but at the very bottom so I knew he rooted around in