
I have a family heirloom ring as well and all I can say is get that shit sized properly! We've had mine resized twice because my fingers shrink when I get cold and I'm deathly afraid of losing it.

"Unlike dudes, we're not masturbating in there" is SO TRUE. Sometimes, Mr Parade comes back from a shower and still smells and I'm like, why did you bother? you obviously didn't even pretend to wash. no soap was involved in this. can't you just save water and whack off in the bedroom?

gah i know i would jump that in a second.

heaven forbid lesbians...have cats? she's a little slow on the uptake, pretty sure that's been a thing for basically forever.

My boy is an red heeler a friend found abandoned (tied to a fence for a week, malnourished and filthy style abandoned) that she brought home to me because she knew I was looking into getting a dog. I took him to a private adoption agency just on the off chance he was chipped, and instead got a twenty-minute lecture on

Always! I love to feed people. Sometimes I make the dogs bacon...

You can do it in the oven! Set it to about 225 and put the thinly sliced fruit on a baking sheet for a couple hours. Just take them out when you're happy with the texture! I like things chewy so I pull them before they get too crispy.

I know how you feel! Mr Parade and I adopted a year old pittie from a shelter 18 months ago; she's wonderful and loving and so so so sweet but definitely came with some issues. They said she was house trained and she wasn't she, they said she wasn't destructive but she was actually a very devious chewer, they said she

I got a farmshare last summer (which I totally recommend! So cheap! So fun!) and even though I love fruit and veggies sometimes I was still like WHAT ON EARTH WILL I DO WITH FIVE POUNDS OF BEETS???? A lot of cooking magazines and websites will have "cooking with what is in season now" type articles that are helpful,

He looks so much like mine! She's also black with a little white cravat. Black kitties for the win!

I'm the opposite - I look learning about new cuisines and ingredients, seeking them out in hole-in-the-wall ethnic stores, putting in the time and effort to make things to traditional way, but I'm usually over eating after a fairly small portion. I'm always inviting people over because if it's just me things never get

I need skincare help! Hippie/home remedies preferred because I'm a little broke. I have very fair skin and tend towards freckles in summer and rosy cheeks in winter, but thanks to the endless polar vortex and general misery here my skin, especially my cheeks, has become red, blotchy, and incredibly sensitive. Even

Yes! My kitten is the same age and is driving everyone else in the house bonkers. Her current hobbies include running into a room and knocking everything off of any flat surface (bonus points if it's full of liquid, esp. beer), attacking my ankles while I carry hot beverages, pouncing on our poor perpetually-wagging

My grandmother went senile and though my mom (her daughter-in-law) was literally an avatar of Satan who climbed the walls of her apartment building to break in via the balcony and steal dish detergent. It got weird fast.

I think he really does want to be in school; he's really incredibly talented at the theoretical/academic aspects of his field, and is a great teacher, so in that respect he's very well suited for the sort of grad school -> academia path. I think a lot of the anxiety has to do with the fact that he is not a traditional

I really would love for him to go to counseling but he comes from a fairly macho southern European background and thinks of it as a sign of weakness - his tendency in all areas is to get angry when he feels emotional or stressed, which isn't really a great way to deal with anxiety :-\

Does anyone have any advice on dealing with a stressed-out partner who might be sabotaging himself academically? Mr. Parade is wonderfully talented at what he does, but he is not a great student, and he basically didn't prepare for an exam, blanked on it, and is now on the verge of dropping out of graduate school. I

why isn't this color in shiny more often??? it looks so good with her hair!

This looks like my favorite mermaid tail outfit for Barbie that I had when I was 7. Much iridescence.

I love housedresses!