Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire

I think it’s generally acceptable when used as an adjective, but its use as a noun is the antiquated one.

This right here. I’ve been reading people saying that Comey should have been removed during the campaign all day long. Sure, that’s agreeable. But we didn’t have the benefit of hindsight, then - how would that have looked for the Obama Administration, and by extension, the Clinton campaign, if Obama had immediately

At least we know Henry’s getting enough fiber - dude looks completely deflated.

I don’t think that’s really your fault. The combat felt, and was, absolutely horrid. This game looked greatness in the face with its writing and world-building.

I love a lot of parts of this game, truly. The quests are really fun, and weirdly written into the overall narrative. I understand a lot of people were not turned on by being constantly kept in the dark all the time, but the varied atmosphere of this game really hooked me for a spell.

Truly, some of the people vehemently insisting he should have kept the disc and released the Source code -despite direct legal communication from Blizzard’s fleet of lawyers- are really reinforcing the spectacular stupidity of the “gaming community”. I know it’s to be expected among any sufficient pool of people, but

Yes, those things necessary to the sustainable welfare of the country where those same young men were quite likely educated and enjoy employment.

Also all the Turok games

And this is why we have President Trump.

I absolutely adored Diablo 2 back in the day, too. But does it actually offer anything more than nostalgia these days? Please do not get me wrong, it is a fantastic game and the production quality is (evidently) inimitable. But when I take off the rose-coloured glasses, all I see are endless Cow Level leeching and

New Yorkers can be proud of another swipe at the patriarchy and of another blow for egalitarianism, now that the little bronze sculpture Fearless Girl is facing down the Charging Bull in Manhattan’s Financial District. Except of course that the girl’s fearlessness stems mainly from stupidity, since not even a grown

Reality has a liberal bias.

Which is bizarrely ironic given that...

If Bioware devoted as much effort to the various configurations in which you can fuck your teammates as they did to character building, itemization, and actual world exploration, they’d have excellent games on their hands these days.

There doesn’t appear to be anywhere to actually submit that Columbia code in the checkout process. There’s a Merchandise Credit field, but it only accepts numbers (like a gift card), not promotional codes.

There doesn’t appear to be anywhere to actually submit that Columbia code in the checkout process. There’s a

We all said that during the election, too. =/

It was one of those later N64 titles specifically tuned for the Expansion Pak: