Your definition of neoliberalism demonstrates an aptitude that your assessment of Clinton belies.
Your definition of neoliberalism demonstrates an aptitude that your assessment of Clinton belies.
The adage doesn’t really hold a lot of water, least not for anyone wanting to use it rhetorically:
You’re not a Neoliberal, Dave, you were just keen to the fact that Hillary Clinton was actually a good candidate, even if some of her previous actions could be viewed as neoliberal-adjacent.
Petty much what Milo has tapped into here:
It’s not a bad point, but the Olympics are (supposedly) the pinnacle of fairness in all things athletic. Your actions are your statement in and of themselves in that context. Even acknowledging people like Milo gives them precisely what they want, because you’re treating their dogshit “arguments” as though they…
Be sure to install the Unofficial Patch, it addresses numerous issues Troika never got around to fixing before shutting their doors:
A ban on allowing a specific religion into the country would absolutely still be unconstitutional. I guess you’ll just have to see for yourself.
A Muslim ban would be demonstrably illegal under the 1st amendment. This is exactly what a Muslim ban looks like when you try to wrap it up in Newspeak.
I don’t think anyone in Trumpworld wants to go down that rabbit hole
He’s really more bloated than swollen though.
Barely related, but I can’t not leave this here:
No amount of BernieBro Strawmen you cobble together will vindicate Hillary’s campaign from its arrogance.
Oh fuck the fuck off. I proudly voted for Hillary, but this shitshow goes squarely on the shoulders of Trump’s regime and his supporters. Stay in the right blame lane.
There’s really no such thing as a “bulletproof pre-nup”, especially when the conditions around their relationship have changed so dramatically.
“if you’re republican, you’re an immigrant hating, white power spewing, jesus freak.”
Kellyanne: Nut, Cracker
Man, this is pretty much straight trash.