Short answer: no. The process involves anaerobic bacteria creating gases which, depending on a few variables, provide the possibility of raising it back to the surface. That generally takes multiple weeks.
Short answer: no. The process involves anaerobic bacteria creating gases which, depending on a few variables, provide the possibility of raising it back to the surface. That generally takes multiple weeks.
Pull that statue down with a truck/crane/your bare hands but I draw the line at explosives placed by some amateur shitsack trying to make a statement. Your message means jackshit if you injure bystanders trying to be a big boy playing with things that go bang.
I think this is it as much as a anything. He leaves his job where people (presumably) kiss his ass, goes to his big ass house, looks around and says “no racism here! Everyone else better shape up!”
Great, and im sure piling on TF will be effective.
Hey, it’s a proven scientific anecdote that if you give a poor working person more money they won’t spend it, they will just horde it or use it to invest in bitcoin. That’s the problem with poor people. They save all their money instead of giving it to rich people.
I can’t believe people are this fucking stupid. Raising minimum wage will make everyone more money. If people have extra money, they will spend it on stuff. All that money spent on stuff gets transferred back to the rich assholes that begrudgingly provide those wages to their employees.
counterpoint: wrong.
Size of group and location are huge factors on this. You’re not pulling it at a dinner party at someone’s house. But if there’s a big group, it is sort of annoying to do the “Gotta go everyone!” announcement or take the time to say goodbye to everyone individually.
This wouldn’t work for me. When arriving and departing, I always find the host and give a quick thanks, especially if it’s at their home. Maybe this is good for a work mixer or a wedding reception after the bridge and groom have made their rounds.
I don’t know about “clean” but since definitively switching to keto/paleo I got rid of my overweight problem with little effort.
Keep fighting the unnecessary fight, comrade!
“Insert Inglorious Bastard’s clip of dude machine gunning Hitler’s body into pulp”
A little bit past there.
The ACLU filed a brief on behalf of Rush Limbaugh. They never have been a liberl org. They were just painted as such by right wing zealots.
1. The ACLU is not a political organization. It’s not liberal, or democrat, or republican, or green. This is extremely important and it’s maybe the biggest misconception about the ACLU
Hey, do you think maybe Jez could do an article on what the ACLU is and how it works? This weekend I’ve seen a lot of people on the internet in general who don’t seem to know. Not just people who dislike the ACLU, which is absolutely fine and their own business, but people who seem to have misunderstood what it does.
It would be funny if I wasn’t legit having that exact same conversation over on Gizmodo.
Triumph of the At-Will
For those who are wondering about the retro title of this black history series, please take a moment to learn about…