“Concrete suggestions” hah. Yeah, white people, go engage with right-wing shitgluttons face-to-face because surely your access to them is going to really change some minds.
“Concrete suggestions” hah. Yeah, white people, go engage with right-wing shitgluttons face-to-face because surely your access to them is going to really change some minds.
[reads each word of the post]
We did touch on those things you mentioned when I went to school, and I still feel like it wasn’t enough -that it might never be enough- and that the public school system failed to prepare me for the living history of this country.
Donald Trump’s horrid presidency is fueling the “resistance,” and black women are leading the charge.
the kind that makes doing the endless grind to top level in Warcraft bearable
I’m really glad they are salvaging this game - these changes sound quite welcome and I will certainly be trying this out again soon.
Stormfront must have gotten a grant. Paid shitposters are out in force of late.
You’re an idiot.
Because I can read your other responses in this thread. You keep mentioning responsibility in the way we as a society talk about things, drawing as many false equivalencies between Left and Right as you can muster, when the truth is, nobody asked for this. This wasn’t guided by satire or disdain or partisanship, if…
It’s too early to know what his motives were. But you seem fixated on some mythical ‘return to decency’ in our civil discourse, as though it’s actually possible at this point. You’re not alone - in fact Clinton parroted the ‘when they go low, we go high’ line throughout the campaign. How did that work out? This isn’t j…
Still technically a FUPA.
Go fuck yourself to death.
No, this is the result of 300 MILLION SMALL ARMS IN CIVILIAN HANDS. Guns did this. Republicans wanted guns.
I have and love this french press. I think the clear glass ones are indeed more attractive, but one hungover morning I inserted a spoon to stir my coffee and the glass cracked and upon fielding a literal hot mess, I vowed to buy (this) stainless steel replacement.
I have and love this french press. I think the clear glass ones are indeed more attractive, but one hungover morning…
I am reading the book right now. Super creeped out how every form the Clown takes, there is some detail alluding to his clown form - a tuft of orange hair, some of the poofy orange buttons down his front coat, etc. Even the large bird chasing Mike had the Clown’s eyes.
I can only hope that the willfully blind fools open their eyes by the time the ‘18 elections roll around.
Syria is really, really hard. On one hand, the US obviously blew whatever vestige of moral leverage that it had all over Iraq- and the situation there, in turn, is augmenting the crisis in neighbouring Syria. On the other hand:
I agree, blaming Hillary for everything isn’t terribly useful. It’s not right or fair whatsoever, but the specter of scandal plagued her for so many years, Democrats as a party need to review the tapes and learn that pushing a candidate with so much baggage (imaginary or otherwise) is the wrong move; The I-told-you-so…