
Speaking of the vampire thing, those are the types of movies where period (oral) sex makes the most sense/works well. I don't get why more vampire movies don't go there.

Me too. I don't buy books I haven't read so the library is my friend. I think there was a long waiting list (even for the e-book) and I knew nothing about the book except that it had loads of sex. Am I the only one that feels like it was hyped up as the most explicit BDSM book ever. Would that many people have read it

Thanks for posting this. One of the best professors I've ever had (shout out to Prof. Rachel Harding) brought Dominique into a class I took at UCD and she was amazing. Everyone in our class was blown away by her poems, the Emmett Till one had us all in tears.

I assumed she was being sarcastic, maybe not...

Smith's, King Soopers, City Market and Krogers are all the same (there's probably more that I don't know about). I like chocolate made with peppermint oil but not with actual mint in it, a lot of people hate mint or peppermint chocolate, I've noticed.

I actually feel that way, I much prefer the sweets in the UK to the States but that's not saying much. Chocolate in many other European countries is much better.

Yeah, totally different. I found this pic of both. I always referred to the American kind as candy that cheap people give out of Halloween, but forgot their real name.

Yeah that stuff's better except for the peppermint. Chocolove's just in more places in Co, you can find it in some King Soopers (Smiths).

Chocolove is decent American made chocolate but it I'm not sure how popular/available it is outside of Colorado. I've seen it in "Health/Natural" food stores in other States but it's more expensive.

I had jury duty that I didn't get selected for but they made opening arguments and told us a lot about the case before any selections were made. The defence attorney, for a man accused of domestic violence and attempted rape, was a woman. At the time I was wondering if it was a tactic but assumed it was too obvious

Yeah every time I see/hear Zoe in something it reminds me that Lenny's old enough to be my father and I feel a little weird about finding him so hot.

I feel like the word Atheist is often misused, almost everyone I talk to who identifies as Atheist is actually Agnostic. In terms of basic beliefs Atheists are quite similar to religious people, they either believe that there definitely is not a God or that there is. No room for just accepting that there are things

Yeah that "my inner goddess" shit is good for a laugh. I still can't believe a book with that kind of writing made so much money.

The only vaccines that are expensive are the ones you don't need for the US like yellow fever and malaria. I'm thinking these anti-vaxxers don't ever travel to countries you need those vaccines for, people who have take vaccine more seriously. It's also unfortunate that those vaccines are so expensive because it's

That's messed up. I worked at DIA and saw celebs quite often, I never asked for an autograph but my workmates did a couple times and the celebs were cool with it. Renee Zellweger and Flavor Flav were probably the nicest about it.

Well said, people really do just see what they want. All of her/his arguments were against points you never made in the first place.

Was it around Christmas? Black Peter? That shit's crazy.

They're remaking that?!

She was there, sitting next to B.

Yeah it wasn't even until the first Pirates movie that I stopped liking Depp. For Leo it stopped and ended the same year, 6th grade. First I saw Romeo and Juliet and "so fiine", then Titanic came out that year and I stopped liking him. But who didn't have an embarrassing crush at that age, my friend basically had