
Yeah, I guess nicotine based liquid is what they're advertised for (in other States) but I just assumed most people used them for THC based product. Much like how glass pipes are advertised as for tobacco but I've never met anyone who uses them for that, I assumed the same was true for vape pens. I'm from Colorado

I've only ever smoked hash/wax out of one. I don't own a pen myself but all my friends who have them never use liquids (although I know there's liquid hash, not sure how that compares).

You still smoke from pipe/joint etc. even when you're out? What if you're smoking hash, you use a hash pipe? You can't really be doing hot knives on the sidewalk or at a show? Vape pens are the most convenient way to smoke out and about without a cloud of smoke around you.

So are e-cigarettes and vape pens the same thing? If so there's nothing dumb about a vape pen.

He was on that? I thought the guy from the Mandy Moore film (where she dies) was on it, maybe they both were. I guess I should IMDb it. I assumed Sawa stopped acting after Final Destination.

Do you live in Denver? Not hard to find them.

If "best"=boringest , no doubt. Truthfully I haven't watched that much Real Housewives but the only ones that I found interesting/high drama were Atlanta and Jersey.

I'm with you. If people must watch it I'm hoping they can wait 'til it's on dvd/available for download and then torrent that shit.

This and #foxnewsfacts have given me some laughs and kept me on twitter for way too long tonight.

Yeah I thought last year was funnier over all.

Yup. And does he really think we don't notice how he came after Cudi days before his new album drops. Now he got some free press and something to talk about on hot 97 and 105.1 etc.

I actually agree, Mint Slice beats TimTam. I also like trying the different flavours of TimTams they only seem to have in east Asian countries.

I'll go a step further and say a dark choc TimTam and a Mint Slice.

He refereed to the three year affair as a "lapse of personal judgement", so not really.

My brain must be a bit slow today because when I read it as Matt Lauria and I was like why wouldn't anyone want to have sex with Matt Lauria? Then I thought about the fact that she referred to him as a colleague and read the name again and realised it said Lauer and it all made sense.

Yup. I was in 7th grade when Ray of Light came out and even back then we all thought she seemed to be trying to appeal to us youngsters but in reality we would still think of her as our parents music. I'm 30 now.

I was on a Lufthansa flight with a layover in Jeddah and after the passengers from there came on board I was asked if I would be willing to move because there was a lady who didn't want to sit next to a man. I was flying alone so I didn't have a problem with it but it definitely would have been a mess if no unrelated

Never read that but I'm always surprised that vampire romance novels/movies/shows never seem to have scenes where the vampire goes down on a woman on her period.

Oh yes. Taking out and cleaning a diva cup gets very messy, it's a nightmare in a public toilet.