
And lazy. Don’t forget lazy.

With his obesity, terrible diet and refusal to exercise, he will most likely be president for life...just not the way he thinks.

2:00 A.M. in the morning.

Three in the morning? Damn, Trump must have really hit the amphetamines to pull that off.

The same logic people used in the German presidential election of 1932.

Now now - Obama obviously failed to “bring Iran to the table,” which is why Trump is reinstating the sanctions Obama imposed before the deal.

“Learn before you speak. It’s a lot easier.”

In hindsight, at least Dubya was under the control of people who were actually pretty intelligent and knowledgeable - they were just evil.

“Go ahead and get nukes like North Korea - then we’ll talk.” - Donald J. Trump, super genius.

That’s right, Polanski - sue those assholes!

He’s Hispanic, so any story about his vigilantism is bittersweet for Trump.

Yeah. People who abuse opiods aren’t turning them in.

He’ll just come back and post shit Trump lovers like: “Africans sold their own people into slavery!” and that kind of nonsense.

They’re “necessary” if you aren’t getting enough attention with Facebook posts and a baby shower and you’ll literally die without more.

It needs to be said many, many times before people notice, apparently.

“A hundred and thirty thousand dollars between a lawyer and a client who’s worth billions is not–I don’t like saying this–not a great deal of money.”

She’s definitely a far better communicator than Trump. Of course, a toddler is also better than Trump in interviews.

The Daily News caught Ruggiero at his home, and snapped photos of him. When shown to Orelien, she positively identified him.

I hope she didn’t get any blood on her dress.

She’s verified? Why?