
4 player split-screen!

"Tolerate" is the perfect word for how I feel during combat sequences. The fight-a-large-group-of-baddies missions feel like they stem more from an outdated gaming convention than the character itself. Ezio is supposed to be a stealthy assassin, his strengths should be outrunning and outsmarting the enemy, or even

I feel the exact same way. When I was younger, I only had a handful of games and I replayed them a countless number of times just shaving off seconds, but now that I can actually afford to play what I want, I'm much more limited by time. Also, all the games back then were 2D and those honed skills haven't transferred

I'm struggling to understand why the reception of Cow Clicker made Ian unhappy. I would think that any social experiment where the results completely differ from the expectations would be considered a huge success because it's a true discovery. If everyone who "played" the game instantly dropped it, then Ian would

Not that this is the point of what you wrote, but this jumped out at me. Does you mother really have to ask your father to use the credit card?

People can buy the UMDs used and play the game on the PSP and Sony doesn't make money off that either. That's the downside of linking a software license to a physical medium, it can be sold and transferred an unlimited number of times. However, if Sony allows people to send them in for download credits, they

I'm starting to discover about myself that I like easy games. Or, to be more specific, I like easy games where the main appeal is on exploration, atmosphere, story or movement. I think Assassins Creed does all of these things well and that is probably why I'm actually current on the series. Conversely, I played

I hope there's a local co-op option. It's disappointing when I get all excited about a co-op mode only to find out its online only. When I spend time with friends, I like to actually hang out with them. If I'm going to go through the effort to establish a time when we're both going to be playing a certain game, then I

It really bothers me when someone or a group of people make a genuine effort to help the LGTBQ, or any other disadvantaged community, and they get backlash from within the community because the effort wasn't perfect.

"there's still a very significant difference, for me at least, between a gay person and what's 'normal'. It's not a bad difference, of course. I think the difference is very good and important, but pretending it isn't there can be quite dangerous."

"homosexuality is ... concerning to me is in regards to the next things that will be accepted by culture that goes against my world view (such as polyamorous relationships, pedophilia, bestiality, incest, etc.)"

With this and the Ico and Shadow of Colossus HD release, I don't really have much reason to hold on to the PS2. I really like how more and more developers are supporting the Mac.

I'll post my impressions after playing it.

I'm in my late 20's, but I still feel too old to play competitive FPS games, even though I enjoy their story modes. I just have too many real-world responsibilities to put the time in to get past the point where I die repeatedly. Also, now that I have a disposable income, I have no motivation to get better because I

I picked up 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors and Chrono Trigger DS from the Amazon sale. I've been keeping my eye out for good deals on those games for a while. With that and Zelda: Four Swords, I'll be playing my DS more than I have in a long time.

I think Bethesda would be justified if:

Well, that was self-indulgent.

Hardcore and casual are words that are used with such inconsistency that they are basically meaningless without context. Some people clearly use them to denote quality of a game, or skills of a player, or accessibility of a game, or amount of time someone spends gaming, or a player's pedigree of gaming experience, or

I really wish this game had offline co-op. I loved playing Borderlands with my partner and this looks like this could have been a great game to follow that. Playing online isn't nearly as fun for me.

:) I RSS Kotaku so I often miss the notifications that people have responded to my comments, plus I was on vacation for a while.