
It's funny, Goldeneye was about the time where I stopped playing games as well. I was about 12 and I remember the kids in my neighborhood being obsessed with it. I would have to beg for a chance to play, then I would suck and the controller would be taken away. They weren't really outright mean, they just would

I can understand why people miss the functionality of flash, especially since it is a bit disconcerting to have to go through one source for everything, but I ultimately agree with the stance that Apple took simply because it is forcing Adobe and web developers to adjust and find better alternatives.The frequency of

I have the first Droid.

Can't people already watch porn on their iPhones? A quick google search shows a ton of sites optimized for mobile viewing.

So, owning a non-Apple device and saying that it doesn't work well is "drinking the Steve Jobs Kool-Aid"? I have flash on my phone. It sucks. When I pay a lot for something, I want it to run well and not crash all the time. My partner's iPhone never crashes, mine does frequently, including every single time I attempt

I'm tired of people freaking out about Flash on iOS devices. It's not going to happen. Flash doesn't make sense on mobile devices. It's a buggy, power-sucking experience. Look at the flash games on the computer, they basically look like smartphone games that require the power of a full computer to play. I have a

As a woman who is nerdy, plays Magic casually, and has made some friends through the game, I can understand being turned off by hearing that someone is a super competitive Magic player. You don't get to that level without being obsessive and playing for hours everyday. The world of online dating is fairly shallow

Yes! I do stormwater monitoring and stream restoration work in the Pacific Northwest which involves a lot of field work in wet conditions, including wading in streams. I've thought a lot about how nice it would be to use a tablet for GIS in the field rather than using a huge packet of paper maps (waterproof paper).

I can deal with timed exclusives, as long as it eventually comes out on the PS3.

I will definitely be checking it out!

I'm going! My friends and I are driving up from Portland. We missed out on the 3-day passes so we'll be there Saturday and Sunday. Can't wait!

Will they have a demo at PAX? If so, where can I find it?

I was wondering how long it would take before the opened Gamestop games started having issues with downloadable codes. I would bet there have been a few gamestop employees and customers who grab the multiplayer or DLC codes from opened boxes. However, I'm shocked that Gamestop has openly admitted to instructing their

There will always be those people who have lots of technology are are happy to carry around whatever is the best for their purposes rather than use the smart phones, and there will always be passionate gamers that cannot settle for the touch screen interface for their portable gaming needs, but I do think there will

The "did you reply to the wrong person" comment was written @ silverclown, not you. Your response made total sense. This is getting confusing :).

Did you reply to the wrong person because I'm pretty sure I was arguing the same side as you?

My partner had 100+ hours accumulated in Animal Crossing on her DS. We were visiting her mom and she left it on her mom's table while we went out to see some friends. Came back, turned it on, and the game was erased.

I love the term "innocent enemies"

Apple's store does a much better job of highlighting the best apps even though they have a larger pool of terrible ones. With Nintendo, navigating their store feels like a total crap shoot, so it is indeed more difficult to find the gems.

Aren't most consoles mainly a more powerful version of their predecessor?